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Thundercats Dubbed Hindi Movie Free Download Torrent
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qzemx
After his home kingdom is destroyed by the ancient devil priest Mumm-Ra, the young Thundercat Lord Lion-O leads a team of survivors as they fight evil on Third Earth.
To be honest , I never watched the original thundercats except for a couple of episodes . and I thought it was corny - and that silly idea wouldn't work nowdays . but I gave it a shot , and this remake not only topped all my expectations . it became one of my favorite animated shows of all time . (up there with TMNT (2003) The Jackie Chan adventures , and even Avatar : The last airbender . just to name some)
it's really in line with them in terms of quality and charm . not only that , but it even easily beats most of the real "anime" out there . and I think this combo of American writing and voice acting with Asian artstyle and animation is just proved as a great choice again .
So , lets break this show down :
Artstyle - some may disagree with me but as an artist myself I find it very beautiful , it's colorful and easy on the eye . but it's detailed enough to be taken seriously . the designs have a modern touch to them and fit the fantasy environment well . and the characters have a lot more ...well , character than the original ones - who looked like your cardboard superheroes.
Animation - every episode so far was animated without laziness , with fluid character movement in every degree possible . and amazing action scenes . the quality is as good as something you would expect from a movie . and I just hope the animators realize they put that as a standard for the show and will never get lazy .
Story - Although I'm yet sure to where this show is heading at , so far the plot lines were good . every episode was pretty epic , and even the fillers were pretty good (the main problem with most "anime") they dealed with serious conflicts . there was a good amount of character development , background stories , and relationships building . and the dialogue was believable - as in , they feel like real people that you can connect with . the only problem I can think of is that every episode is so packed with things that it's sometimes rushed , and has some "holes" in the sequence of things so it could fit into this short time .
Music - the music is fantastic , other than not having a theme song (which kinda sucks).
but thats no biggy at all , the show is entertaining to watch to both old and young and it saddens me how people who can't let go of their nostalgia give this excellent show a bad name and drive it to cancellation. I hope that it will live up to it's planned amount of episodes because I just can't wait to the next one - CN got themselves an addict :)
The other characters and creatures of Third Earth are coming. in the Thundercats fourms, there is a review with one of the animators discussing how he redesigned Jackalman from elements of the original series.
The writing and animation is clearly the best of any reboot of a series that I have seen. I just hope Cartoon Network doesn't start worrying about production costs and decide to cheapen it or cut it altogether for financial reasons. Cartoon Network NEEDS to keep a few top name series on their schedule. They killed off He-man, Transformers (My favorite being Beast Wars), and they only seem to be able to handle a single series or two of a popular third party show before they kill it with some in house material nobody really wants to watch.
Enjoy it while it lasts because Cartoon Network is really only about the numbers, so you might want to try to get people to watch.
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