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Admission and discharge guidelines for the pediatric patient requiring intermediate care: >> << (Download)
Admission and discharge guidelines for the pediatric patient requiring intermediate care: >> << (Read Online)
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Pediatrics. 2004 May;113(5):1430-3. Admission and discharge guidelines for the pediatric patient requiring intermediate care. Jaimovich DG; American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Hospital Care and Section on Critical Care. During the past 3 decades, the specialty of pediatric critical care medicine has grown
Admission and discharge guidelines for the pediatric patient requiring intermediate care. David G. Jaimovich, MD; and the Committee on Hospital Care and Section on Critical Care. The purpose of this statement is to provide lists of criteria that may be incorporated into mul- tiple disciplinary guidelines for the admission and
Admission and discharge guidelines for the pediatric patient requiring intermediate care. Article · May 2004 with 38 Reads. DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000126001.23141.4F. Cite this publication. David Jaimovich at Quality Resources International. David Jaimovich. 30.11; Quality Resources International. Abstract. During the
Admission and discharge guidelines for the pediatric patient requiring intermediate care Many patients who are admitted to the hospital require a higher level of care than the routine inpatient general pediatric care, yet not to the degree of intensity as pediatric critical care; therefore, an intermediate care level has been
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS. CLINICAL REPORT. Guidance for the Clinician in Rendering Pediatric Care. David G. Jaimovich, MD, and the Committee on Hospital Care and Section on Critical Care. Admission and Discharge Guidelines for the Pediatric Patient. Requiring Intermediate Care. ABSTRACT. During
Pediatric Section Task Force on Admission and Discharge Criteria, Society of Critical Care Medicine in conjunction with the American College of Critical Care for developing multidisciplinary admission and discharge policies, utilization of pediatric intensive care units can be optimized and patients can receive the level of
Many patients who are admitted to the hospital require a higher level of care than the routine inpatient general pediatric care, yet not to the degree of intensity as pediatric critical care; therefore, an intermediate care level has been developed in institutions providing multiple disciplinary subspecialty pediatric
15 Jan 2005 Many children admitted to the hospital need a higher level of care than general inpatient pediatric critical care. Therefore, an intermediate care level for children has been developed in some hospitals. “Admission and Discharge Guidelines for the Pediatric Patient Requiring Intermediate Care" is available
Patient should be transferred to a floor or specialty care unit or discharged from the hospital, as appropriate, if the following criteria apply: Patient has stable hemodynamic parameters for at least 6 to 12 hours.