4 June 2007
Friluft så att det förslår
Friluft vid havet med diskodunk och en jädra massa tyskimport. Helt MAD stämning och ett rasat staket...
Lina ser lite trött ut... Det var jag också kan jag erkänna, man borde kanske sova mer än 5 timmar om nätterna?
Whooo Wo Wo now Have you gone astray or lost your way? You should have seen me yesterday, Well I knew this kind of love was written in the stars It's only once or twice that you're inline with Mr.Moon
Whooo Wo Wo now Have you gone astray or lost your way? You should have seen me yesterday, Well I knew this kind of love was written in the stars It's only once or twice that you're inline with Mr.Moon
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