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The Allisons (Race Car Legends)
by Ann Parr
Amazon rank: #3,991,504
Price: $27.50
bound: 77 pages
Publisher: Chelsea House Pub (L); 1 edition (September 30, 2007)
Language: English
File size: 2986 KB
Markham, Ontario: Houghton Mifflin CanadaThis is the usual practice in typesettingIn poetry, an ellipsis is used as a thought-pause or line break at the caesura[7] or this is used to highlight sarcasm or make the reader think about the last points in the poemIt is not cold it is freezing coldISBN978-0-395-29654-7
In her book on the ellipsis, Ellipsis in English Literature: Signs of Omission (Cambridge University Press, 2015), Anne Toner suggests that the first use of the punctuation in the English language dates to a 1588 translation of Terence's Andria, by Maurice KyffinToday, extended ellipsis anywhere from two to dozens of periods have become common constructions in Internet chat rooms and text messages.[23] The extent of repetition in itself might serve as an additional contextualization or paralinguistic cue, to "extend the lexical meaning of the words, add character to the sentences, and allow fine-tuning and personalisation of the message"[24]For the syntactic omission of words, see Ellipsis (linguistics) And if they have not died, they are still alive todayCaesura Cohesion (linguistics) Elision Omission or deletion of a sound or syllable Leader (typography) A row of characters (usually dots or dashes) to connect items across a page (as in a table of contents) Leiden Conventions Line break (poetry) Pausa "CMC cues enrich lean online communication: the case of letter and punctuation mark repetitions" (PDF)." When placed at the beginning or end of a sentence, the ellipsis can also inspire a feeling of melancholy or longing"Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law"
I have been a racing fan as far back as I can rememberThe Elements of Typographic Style (Version 2.5 ed.)In HTML, the horizontal ellipsis character may be represented by the entity reference … (since HTML 4.0), and the vertical ellipsis character by the entity reference ⋮ (since HTML 5.0).[26] Alternatively, in HTML, XML, and SGML, a numeric character reference such as … or … can be usedAnother example is the set of zeros of the cosine function:The most common form of an ellipsis is a row of three periods or full stops (It is not unheard of to see inanimate objects "speaking" the ellipsis APP7.3 //// 100,000,000+ 300,000+ 5 App Store ^ "Chicago Style Q&A: How do I insert an ellipsis in my manuscript?"When the suppressed text is at the beginning or at the end of a text, the ellipse does not need to be placed in a parenthesisaccess-date= requires url= (help) ^ Erika, Darics (2010)
As a device, the ten-ten-ten is intended to focus the reader on a character while allowing the character to not speak any dialogueIn Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1), the ellipsis is used as an extension marker to indicate the possibility of type extensions in future revisions of a protocol specificationIn French, the ellipsis is commonly used at the end of lists to represent et ceteraThis is so hard to believe it just seems like a very, very bad dreamIn some legal writing, an ellipsis is written as three asterisks (*** or ***) to make it obvious that text has been omitted ABC DEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ ABC DEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ () "breach" 2f597b3706
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