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The Host In Hindi 720p
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r082e
When an unseen enemy threatens mankind by taking over their bodies and erasing their memories, Melanie will risk everything to protect the people she cares most about, proving that love can conquer all in a dangerous new world.
A race of non-corporeal, parasitic aliens who go from planet to planet looking for hosts have come to Earth and basically taken over the human race. It's believed that, once inside a body, all memories of the host human are gone. Some few free humans remain hidden from them, forming a resistance group. When an alien Seeker captures a girl named Melanie and puts a Wanderer in her body, she hopes to find out where the remaining humans are gathered, but Melanie, a strong fighter able to converse with the alien in her commandeered body, convinces the Wanderer to say nothing. Disappointed by the lack of progress (though suspecting an empathy for the human), the Seeker informs the Wanderer that she'll be removed and placed in a new host while she herself will enter Melanie. With human lives at risk, Melanie convinces Wanderer to run away and hide out with the humans, but finding them doesn't mean they'll allow an alien presence among them. Jared (Melanie's boyfriend) wants her dead, but Jeb (Melanie's uncle) wants to wait, and Ian, tasked with guarding her, finds himself siding with Jeb. As Ian begins to fall for Melanie, a strange love triangle develops, with Ian wanting Wanderer (inhabiting Melanie's body), Jared wanting Melanie (imprisoned inside her own body), and no one knowing any way to separate the two without killing both.
I gave it a 6. The book contains a lot more detail which failed to make its way into the film. It was mediocre, the best bits were the beginning and ending (the song!)
I am disappointed the theme of internal conflict and identity was not explored more. (This film had the potential to be really deep and touch people's souls, absolutely no pun intended!) The film does keep to the script in that it does follow the storyline given by the book quite well but anyone who has not read the book will not appreciate certain things and will be confused. There is not enough action and the two main males were not acting to the highest of standards.
I really enjoyed reading the book, it had depth, the film however lacked this, mainly due to the unimpressive alien technology and the focus on the love triangle/ square. Another part of the film which could have done with some fine tuning. The love interests were too 'teen'. However the set where the resistance lived was spot on, exactly how I had imagined it!
All in all, it was not 'Twilight' terrible but you will get much more satisfaction from reading the book and most likely not enjoy the film if you haven't read the book. (Just my opinion.)
Ignore the low rating, don't believe what you see. This film was brilliant!
I don't understand why people are saying it is the worst movie ever made because it really isn't. More like one of the best movies of the year so far!
I read the book and I thought it was alright. Once I heard they were making a film on it I was quite exited to see how the producers would do it. And my god they did not let me down. It was a brilliant film!!
If you are a person that loves a good sci-if film, with a bit of action and love then this film I can recommend to you!
The producers really pull it off well. To be honest.. I wasn't sure about going to see it at first because I didn't know if they were going to cut the good parts out of the book. But then I watched it...
I came out the cinema with a massive smile on my face and a very dazzled mind. What did I just see? And I say that in a good way.
I think I just saw one of the best films of the 2013 so far. It was simply awesome. Like it says in the title, this film is definitely my bread and butter
The story line is fantastic and I like how the story of love is thrown into the mix as well. Very clever and very heart warming at the same time.
In 2013 so far I think this is my favorite film. And it's not every day I say that you know.
I really can't describe how much I loved it and how simply and truly awesome it was. Just loved it. Give it a go?? If you don't think the same as me after you've seen it... Well your entitled to your own opinion I guess.
But yeah.. All in all. A great film!! And I hope there is a second one and maybe a trilogy? I'll be on the look out for another book and hopefully that'll lead to another great film.
The Host. Great job guys!! I take my hats off to you all!! Fantastic!
An invasion of the body snatchers is preferable to realizing that the true horror perpetrated here is not on the characters but on the audience.
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