Monday 3 December 2007 photo 1/1
A- Alternativt sällskap, Anna Ternheim, B- Bo kaspers orkester, Bob Dylan, Bon Marley C- Coldplay, The Cranberries, Corinne Bailey Rae, D- Dream Theater, Damien Rice, DC Talk, E- Eric Clapton F- Frank Zappa G- H- Harriet and the harbringers I- J- Johnny Cash, Joseph arthur, John Legend K- Keane, Kings of convenience L- Lars Winnerbäck, Laleh, Led Zeppelin. Leonard Cohen M- Moulin rouge (!?) N – Nerina Pallot, Nick Drake, Norah Jones O- P- Paul Siomn & Art Garfunkel, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam Q- R- Rage Against The Machine, Ray Charles, Regina Spektor, Rolling Stones S- Samuel Ljungblahd, Stevie Wonder, Sting T- U- U2 V- W- Wailing Jenny’s X- Y- Z-
Comment the photo
Tue 4 Dec 2007 17:39
oj, lyssnar du på "Rage Against"!? haha där ser man... tolka det inte fel, dom är bra.
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