January 2012
Just some real celebs.. @ColeSprouse - Cole Sprouse @DylanTS - Dylan Sprouse @thekidrauhl - Justin Bieber @BrandonSmith - Brandon Mychal Smith @MissCyrus - Miley Cyrus @nolanmurray - Nolan Murray @ch
failad grabben... failed kiddo. @chazzsomers , justin and chaz was never even fighting? LEAVE THEM ALONE JERK! WE CAN CALL THE POLICE AND GET YOU ARRESTED!! BANG! @chazzsomers = fake @chazsomers = r
uploaded with Dayviews Android? BAHAHAH... fake dude.. Chaz has an iPhone. And that's not a Android phone. @19961228 , u see? here's the proof, he's fake. absolutely. If you say he's real now, I'l