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Don't care condition in k map pdf: >>'t+care+condition+in+k+map+pdf << (Download)
Don't care condition in k map pdf: >>'t+care+condition+in+k+map+pdf << (Read Online)
Up to this point we have considered logic reduction problems where the input conditions were completely specified. That is, a 3-variable truth table or Karnaugh map had 2n = 23 or 8-entries, a full table or map. It is not always necessary to fill in the complete truth table for some real-world problems. We may have a choice to
7 Oct 2014
Simplification of Boolean Functions. Using K-maps. • This is equivalent to the algebraic operation, aP + a? P =P where P is a product term not containing a or a?. . to provide further simplification of the algebraic expression. (Example) F = A`B`C`+A`BC` + ABC` d="A"`B`C +A`BC + AB`C. F = A` + BC`. Don't-care condition.
Don't care conditions are represented by X in the K-Map table. ? Don't care conditions play a central role in the specification and optimization of logic circuits as they represent the degrees of freedom of transforming a network into a functionally equivalent one. Example: Simplify the Boolean function. ( , , , ). (1,3,7,11,15),
26 Nov 2012 Now I discuss Karnaugh Map of 4 variables(5 is also possible) and also its Don't Care Condition. Syntax of 4 Variable K-Map:- Q)Z=?(0,1,3,5,10,11,12,13,15)SOP. y="a"'b'c'+a'b'd+bc'd+abc'+acd+ab'c. Q)Z=?(0,2,5,8,7,10,13,15). y="bd"+b'd'(XOR) Q)Z=?(4,1,9,6,12,14,11). y="bd"'+ab'd+a'b'd. Q)S=?(1,5,7,3,7
C. E. Stroud. Combinational Logic Minimization. (9/12). 11. Don't Care Conditions. • Truth Table. • K-map. • Minterm. ?Z=?A,B,C(1,3,6,7)+d(2). • Maxterm. ?Z=?A,B,C(0,4,5)+d(2). • Notice Don't Cares are same for both minterm & maxterm. 0. 1. 1. X. 0. 0. 1. 1. BC. A. 00 01 11 10. 0. 1. 0 1. 4 5. 3 2. 7 6. A B C. Z. 0 0 0. 0. 0 0 1.
Minimizing an Expression with Don't Cares. Two Approaches. 1.Find the minimal circuit for each assignment of values to the don't cares. (choose each don't care as 0 or 1). If there are k don't cares, there are 2k functions (not practical for large d). 2. Enter don't cares into Karnaugh Map and select the fewest largest circles.
7. ? In a Kmap, a don't care condition is identified by an X in the cell of the minterm(s) for the don't care inputs as shown below. Don't Care Example (SOP Form) inputs, as shown below. ? In performing the simplification, we are free to include or ignore the X's when creating our groups. CIT 595. 25. ? In one grouping in the
Prof. YingLi Tian. Mar. 1, 2018. Department of Electrical Engineering. The City College of New York. The City University of New York (CUNY). Lecture 7: Karnaugh Map, Don't Cares. 1. EE210: Switching Systems
Cot 2007. E1.2 Digital Electronics I. Points Addressed in this Lecture. • Standard form of Boolean Expressions. – Sum-of-Products (SOP), Product-of-Sums (POS). – Canonical form. • Boolean simplification with Boolean Algebra. • Boolean simplification using Karnaugh Maps. • “Don't cares". Cot 2007. E1.2 Digital Electronics