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The Grandeur That Was Rome Movie Free Download In Hindi
When a spate of strange diseases breaks out on a global scale, the Avengers find out that grain being distributed by the United Food and Dressing Limited, has been deliberately tampered with and infected with ergot.Whilst investigating the firm's headquarters Mrs. Gale is caught and whisked off to a reconstruction of Ancient Rome, ruled by a mad, would-be Caesar called Bruno. His aim is to unleash bubonic plague upon the world and intends to test its effects on Mrs. Gale.
In The Grandeur That Was Rome, Steed & Dr. Gale investigate farm soil and stock poisonings that have been occurring over the past few months. From the first scenes the audience knows those poisonings are part of a plot to overthrow the government with a new Roman Caesar rule. With the use of a new plague, the megalomaniac (with the Shakespearian name) Sir Bruno Luca, hopes to reestablish the glory of the Roman Empire.
This is another attempt to try and bring other English cultural writings into The Avengers' fold - in this case William Shakespeare. This "diversified tele-writing" was mostly done in the second and third seasons. They tried bringing some Christopher Marlowe influences in Espirit De Corps. And they had some modern Robin Hoods in The Golden Fleece. Of these, The Grandeur That Was Rome was the best. The story honestly acknowledged its Shakespearian influences. They brought in Shakespearian actors John Flint and Colin Rix. (In his only The Avengers shot, Flint made a great villain.) They quickly moved to the part of Julius Caesar most beloved: The backstabbing. And they kept the line stealing of the play to a minimum.
This episode was put in the capable hands of Kim Mills, who was really gifted at guiding thrillers. She kept most of the scenes with Dr. Gale trying to discover the cause of the poisonings taunt and quick. Again, Cathy's dialogues were not confusing, no matter how scientific the exposition became. Considering Rex Edwards only wrote this episode for the program, credit really has to be given to John Bryce, the producer; Honor Blackman and Richard Bates, the story editor. These guys really knew how to keep the science in sci-fi understandable, and not over your head.
This was just okay. In all honesty, this story should have had a major reshooting schedule. That way, many of the story and logic glitches would have been wiped out, however, that would have taken a lot more budget than was warranted. Face it, at the end of the story do you feel the plague has been contained? A constant throughout the Keel, Gale and Peel years was the quick ending, but a certainty that the problem had been resolved. I felt any of those unnamed henchmen had the right psychosis to go and release Pandora's Box.
This episode sees Steed and Mrs Gale investigating the possible links between a grain supplier and a series of outbreaks of crop failures and other farming related health scares. We know from early on that the company's secretive owner, Sir Bruno Lucer, is involved in a deliberate plot that will ultimately involve the poisoning of the water supply to kill millions. He and his 'World Empire Party' believe they will be able to control the world that remains and create a new Roman Empire
with Bruno as its Caesar. To do this they must first test the vaccine they have developed to protect themselves
the person they choose to test it on is none other than Cathy Gale. The test is to take place during a bacchanalian orgy that will also feature Bruno's coronation
and a plot by his friend Brutus to assassinate him.
This episode shows how the series is starting to move away from traditional espionage plots to more fantastical schemes with megalomaniacs and over the top plans for national or world domination. The story is pretty silly but still fun enough. The villains are better early on when it appears that their Roman names are just code names rather than a suggestion that their leader really does want to see a new empire based on Imperial Rome. As the end nears and they don Roman costume it gets a bit too silly. The poisoning plot is interesting and the episode touches on some environmental concerns such as the use of hormones and pesticides that kill birds. The conclusion is a bit messy as we don't really see the plot fully thwarted, just the death of Bruno. The cast does a decent job. Overall I thought this episode was entertaining enough but a bit too silly without the more surreal elements that made later episodes such fun.