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Book descriptionBob Devaney was a soldier in the Special Forces in the early 1960s until something he refused to discuss caused him to leave, setting up his own security and investigative agency, with one employee: himself. Then he found out too much about a secret government project and he had the choice of disappearing or being recruited for the Prometheus Project. The Project was the largest disinformation operation in history, targeted at the aliens who ruled the galaxy. A mysterious individual known as Mr. Inconnu had arrived in a damaged but highly advanced craft in the 1940s with the information that he had escaped from a group of humans whom aliens had been studying. And unless the Earth could convince the aliens that the Earth had a unified government, and technology comparable to that of the galactic rulers, the Earth would be exploited as a primitive protectorate. So far the hoax was workingAand the technology which Mr. Inconnu had brought with him helpedAbut someone in the Project was selling secrets to an interstellar mafia called the Tonkuztra about the real state of affairs on Earth. And Devaney knew that Chloe Bryant, the woman he had fallen in love with, was being set up to take a fall for the real traitor, who was about to embark on a treason whose consequences could jeopardize the very Universe. . . .The Prometheus Project by Steve White francais thepiratebay download get prewiew
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