14 May 2010
"You cannot say to the sun, "More sun." Or to the rain, "Less rain." To a man, geisha can only be half a wife. We are the wives of nightfall. And yet, to learn kindness after so much unkindness, to un
jag har inte hittat någon bra vit penna än så länge men man kan använda en gel penna eller något om man vill
Yakisoba (1potion) 1 pack of Yakisoba NUDLAAAAAR 1/3 tbsp Sake or Water 50g Pork!! 75g Böngroddar 1/2 Kål 1/2 Naganegi 15g Morot 1 Vitlöksklyfta 1 tsp Sesam-Olja - Yakisoba Sauce - 1 tbsp Oyster
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