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Far Cry 5 Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r0z95
A deputy is sent to the town of Hope County to arrest Joseph Seed, a corrupt evangelical religious leader who rules the town with the help of his disturbed followers.
UMA UMA UMA says this Far Cry is easy to play all of them other Far Cry games so the main boss is not in it a lot he pops up here and there but he is still really really interesting. And another side bosses Jacob is some military dude but he's all backstories all about him got captured by the enemy got forced to eat his friends so you can see why he's a bit crazy.so my favourite side boss is faith she is really interesting her backstories is all about she was an abusive family and she did a lot of drugs little Easter egg on her left arm she's got a formula. The formula crack cocaine.
I usually give the FC games a 10/10 (except for Primal - sorry, I gave up on that after about 2 hours). This one was seriously ambitious, with beautiful scenery and all the usual crazy violent stuff that makes a Far Cry game. However, I gotta take three points off for this one. Every game on this scale has glitches of course, but the AI in this (on single-player) is just plain stupid, especially when you have a partner (even worse with two) assigned to your squad. First, they don't shut up - and when there's two of them and you're piloting a vehicle (car, boat, plane, etc), the convo-glitch between them is in full effect - repeating the same lines over and over. Second, they'll see a "Peggi" (bad guy) or hostile animal seemingly long before the hostile indicator lights up on your HUD and go ballistic. Same issue happens when talking to a character that you're trying to get a mission from. They'll be talking to you and suddenly see a bear just grazing in the grass 500 yards away and go into "conflict" mode and start running around being stupid - or worse, they'll jump into the vehicle you drove/flew up in and disappear into the void - leaving you to go seek another mission, by foot. Third, you waste plenty of time trying to get the AI partner(s) to get into your vehicle with you, especially a helicopter. They'll stand there or run around in circles forever before suddenly clicking and running into the seat. Like I said, every game has glitches, but these particular ones slow the flow of the game and make it frustrating - like continuously having to get out of your vehicle and back in it before the AI realizes it's time to go. And whatever you do, don't let your AI partners fly anything you're in. You'll never be able to get back into the plane or helicopter once you get out of it. no matter how many times you instruct them to land. As soon as your feet hit the ground, they'll immediately take off and just hover above you and you're stuck walking.
Another point mark down for the 20+ minute unskippable and barely playable intro (every few minutes or so, you might get to push a button or slowly walk around during the opening sequence). The story-line really isn't that deep to force you to have to sit that long through the intro. It's Far Cry man.. I get it.. bad bosses got armies of bad dudes doing bad things.. let's get to slaying!
And finally a point mark down for those stupid "Capture Squad" sequences, especially the "bliss" ones when in the female boss' territory. As you continue to wreak havoc in a boss' territory, eventually the boss gets pissed and sends his whole army to not kill you, but capture you so you can do some drug-induced shoot-em-up sequence, only to let you go to do more damage to their sanctioned area. This makes no sense.. if the boss has this capability, why not just end you 10 seconds after you cross into their territory? I know, a 5-minute game wouldn't sell that well, but still.
But on good notes, fun, funny, and over-the-top violent as usual, sans the boring fishing missions. It's worth your dime and I'm sure some DLCs are yet to come. The final boss showdown is not as climatic as the sequence that happens after you do prevail - once you are able to save four or five of your people, it's not that hard to get through, but what happens afterwards is eyebrow raising. But the story-telling, main missions, graphics, and weapon-play are the usual Far Cry fun-time madness.
Two notes: Gone are the radio-tower climbs. After the intro, there's one mission to climb a radio tower which is needed to open the full map, but that's the only required climb. There's some side missions that involve radio tower climbs, but not necessary to further the story line. Weapon variety is good, but really no need to load up/spend on all of them. Once I was able to afford the .50 cal sniper rifle and the high-powered scope, silencer, and extended mag, I was pretty much set. Taking down outposts hidden on a hill or rock-top was a breeze with that thing. You will need a good machine gun or rocket launcher to take down planes attacking you from the sky.
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