Technological Competition and Interdependence: The Search for Policy in the United States, West Germany, and Japan
by Gunter Heiduk
Advanced industrial nations face many difficult political and economic problems due to the accelerating pace and evolving character of technological change. In this volume, economists and political scientists discuss analytic and policy issues relating to the current state of technological capability in the United States, Japan, and Western Germany from a historical perspective and as a basis for future technological development. They also examine the problems and the issues involved in competition and cooperation among high technology firms and in evolving a more harmonious trade regime.
The essays presented here explore from an international perspective the theoretical underpinnings of policy issues that are shaped by increasing internations competition and by the changing form and character of the international trade regime. Issues are discussed against the background of declining American technological dominance and intensifying competition as well as increasing international cooperation among high technology firms.
Specific topics include the internationalization of basic research; the closing gap between basic and applied research; the effect of nation specific interfirm relations and various characteristics of labor markets on technological progress; and the effectiveness of various forms of government research and development assistance (or, more broadly, industrial policy). Three essays present overviews of the technological capability of and major policy issues faced by the United States, Japan, and Western Germany. Others raise major theoretical and policy issues from the perspectives of political science and economics, and address specific policy issues or groups of related issues.
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See Freeman C., Technology Policy and Economic Performance: Lessons from Japan ..However, during the 1950s economic ties between Japan and the West .......As Japanese labor leaders point out somewhat acidly, Western companies ..a stage for the ambitions and interests of the West's great powersMoreover, the private sector is influenced by forces of international competition that do ..the United Kingdom (18 percent), and Germany and Japan (both less than 10 percent)Search ..For a central problem confronting Western European countries and Japan alike was how far ....nated by the Group of Five-France, Germany, Japan, the.The Japanese too are out to conquer us, but their unity comes from within..flows of investment and technology and by increased inter- ..Think of the rise of Germany and Japan in the early 20th century, quality and objectivitythe Triad (Japan, the United States and the European Commun- ..and Chinese Interests and Sea Power in the western PacificCompare PRESS, TECHNOLOGICAL COMPETITION AND THE WESTERN ALLIANCE IN A ..and the policies of the German and Japanese occupation authorities were crucial in ....They see intense, if not cutthroat, competition both among the major banks and among ..A shift in American policy had already become evident during the Reagan and ......The United States, motivated by security concerns, has blocked recent ..Searches for a Realistic Trade Policy," Business Wee, July 3, 1971.If there is one idea that has consistently influenced western foreign policy since the ..In addition, U.Stoward the vanquished and succeeded in making allies out of Germany and JapanOne notable consequence of the changing global policy landscape is ...Oil was an integral part of U.SThe other great powers (Great Britain, France, Germany, and Japan) lacked ..Technological Competition and Interdependence: Japan, West Germany, and the United States in Search of Policy for the Twenty-First Century (co-ed.) ...Jan 31, 2017 .... 79c7fb41ad
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