August 2010
“Watch out for people who have a situational value system, who can turn the charm on and off depending on the status of the person they are interacting with…Be especially wary of those who are rud
sålde mopeden idag^^ frågan är vad man ska göra med pengarna? kanske ny tv? eller batterigrepp, trådlösblixt och portabel softbox till kameran.?
Dear daydream, Thank you for making it possible to duct tape my cubical neighbor's mouth shut. <!-- Sincerely, my sanity. Dear Customer, Please ignore the old adage "The customer is always righ
Dear Math, Please grow up and solve your own damn problems. I don't have time for yours AND mine. <!-- Sincerely, Screw the Value of X
Dear person reading this, You're here because you're actively procrastinating or avoiding real work, aren't you? It's too. <!-- Sincerely, I'll work tomorrow.