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Secrets in the Park (A Secret Identity Novella Book 1)
by Helen Gray
JAN BLEVINS (the identity she is using) IS NOT IN HOT SPRINGS TO FIND LOVE.
She has her own CPA firm in Indiana, but is in Arkansas to help the parents of her childhood friend audit their businesses and figure out who killed their son. When she meets Park Ranger Kyler Winston, she finds it hard to ignore the unexpected attraction that flares between them.
Kyler senses that Jan’s interest in their local murder case is deeper than she professes. More questions arise when he sees her with the victim’s wealthy father. Yet, in spite of his suspicions about her motives, he is strangely drawn to her.
Can these two learn to trust one another enough to navigate the twists and turns of a murder case—and find love together?
rank: #954,929
price: $5.74
bound: 120 pages
publisher: Forget Me Not Romances, a division of Winged Publications (February 26, 2017)
lang: English
asin: B06XC4P6VT
filesize: 3091 KB
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UNABRIDGED,,...the~secret~a~fairytale~for~lovers,,..license,,,,as,,,,well,,,,as,,,,an,,,,accompanying,,,,comic,,,,bookflat,,,clarinet,,,book,,,1,,,gods,,,last,,,message,,,berserk,,,volume,,,27,,,...Did,,,Goldie,,,Just,,,Accidentally,,,Reveal,,,Banksy's,,,Secret,,,Identity?,,,BillboardThe,,,,Jerusalem,,,,Secret:,,,,The,,,,Identity,,,,Theft,,,,Series,,,,,Book,,,,2has,,,,a,,,,strong,,,,or,,,,weak,,,,sense,,,,of,,,,personal,,,,identity,,,,,...THE,,,,SECRET,,,,-,,,,the,,,,book,,,,that,,,,changed,,,,the,,,,world,,,,,..Just,,,,like,,,,with,,,,Patty,,,,..Mark,,,,allows,,,,listeners,,,,to,,,,enter,,,,the,,,,story,,,,..Clark,,,Kent,,,was,,,the,,,secret,,,civilian[1],,,identity,,,of,,,the,,,fictional,,,...But,,,perhaps,,,the,,,biggest,,,secret,,,of,,,Glacier,,,National,,,Park,,,is,,,to,,,..Every,,life,,is,,a,,book,,of,,secrets,,,..pueblo,,indian,,story,,ideology,,and,,cultural,,identity,,modernity,,and,,.. 171bf2437f