6 August 2009
I write in english so all my friends outside sweden can understand aswell :)All the pictures from Feuerwelt are pictures that explain what Feuerwelt was for me. What I saw, what I felt, what I experienced and what I want other people to see from Feuerwelt. This is a journey with Love, Happines, Life, harmony, laugh & Dance. Enjoy the pictures!
I will thank all of you people who was there and shared the wonderful experience we had together.
I will also thank all the rainbow people who was there for shareing the food and their love and harmony with us.
For me, the rainbow people helpt me to respect other people more. especially for me as a photographer. I made some misstakes at Feuerwelt and I apologize for that. But I learn from my mistakes.
more pictures will come. there is 20 pictures totaly this day.
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