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ATP Software 26,152 views 46:14 Livestream Facebook tht d dng, a dng v t ng vi Gostream - Duration: 21:01. Check out our spooky Halloween Layouts for Facebook and be prepared for the scare! Fall is officially here! Put up your seasonal skin today by checking out our wide variety of Fall and Autumn Skins For Facebook ! Football season has arrived! Represent your favorite NFL football team by selecting one of our Football Skins for Facebook today! Check out our brand new FBSkins.com Blog! Get all sorts of updates like the hottest weekly and monthly Facebook Skins as well as our own FBSkins staff favorite Skins! FBskins.com now has its own YouTube Channel! Check it out, FBskins YouTube Channel, for a video tutorial on how easy it is to add a Skin! Have more than one skin you like? Of course you do! You can now save your favorites simply by clicking the 'Save' link below the skin you want to save. .. Nguyn Tt Kim 16,423 views 33:39 Bn Hng Trn Facebook 2017 - Phn Tch 1 Chin Dch ang Chy Qung Co - Duration: 29:22. About Press Copyright Creators Advertise Developers +YouTube Terms Privacy Policy & Safety Send feedback Test new features . Lin h Name Email* Message Close . Please try again.BirthdayMonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920191919181917191619151914191319121911191019091908190719061905Why do I need to provide my birthday?FemaleMaleBy clicking Create Account, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Data Policy, including our Cookie Use. Go to our Support Page where it will guide you through the steps of uninstalling the 1.0 plugin. Loading. .. Sign in Transcript Add translations 22,093 views 26 Like this video? Sign in to make your opinion count. ng Cp Nht 61,571 views 6:33 Hng dn khc phc li Messenger ang kt ni hoc ang i mng - Duration: 1:33. Jump toSections of this pageAccessibility HelpPress alt + / to open this menuRemoveTo help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. Want to create your own Facebook Skins? Now you can with our Skin Builder! Try it out today! Tons of new Hot Skins available here at FBskins.com! Just added over 100 new Skins featuring Justin Bieber, Twilight Saga, The Vampire Diaries and more! Finally, you can Customize your Facebook Profile with our brand new Skins brought to you by FBskins.com! Please note though, that we are in no way affiliated, nor endorsed, by Facebook.com. Knh Chia S 16,110 views 8:07 Bn Hng Facebook Min Ph - Khng Cn Chy Qung Co - Kinh Doanh Online #27 - Duration: 18:53. AppStoreVn 16,050 views 1:52 Hng dn kch hot iPhone v cu hnh my hot ng ti u nht - Duration: 13:32. Hundreds of new Valentines Day layouts have been added! Check out some of our most popular New Year Facebook Skins featuring Justin Bieber and some creative and colorful skins! Deck out your profile with a holiday skin! We offer many Christmas Facebook Layouts to celebrate the seasons! Don't forget about the Snow Effects and Holiday Lights Feature located in your Social Extras settings area! Make your profile as festive as possible! The Facebook Timeline Builder is here! Create Your Own Facebook Timeline Layout today with your very own Facebook Covers! Check out our Facebook Fan Page and get all the latest updates for our next Facebook Extras! This just in! You can now add the Top Image Cover with your new Facebook Skin! This only applies to the skins that offer the Facebook Covers on them of course! When selecting a skin with a top cover, keep the Add Top Image checkbox checked, click Continue and you will have your new skin AND cover! Once the cover is uploaded, simply hover over your cover area, click Select Photos and choose your new cover! Easy as that! Did you know you can upload your own cursors? Check that extra feature out in the Facebook Cursors section! Upload a picture and it will resize it down to create a cursor for your Facebook! A new feature is in! You can now customize your profile with Facebook Cursors! Choose from hundreds of cool custom cursors for your Facebook profile! Coming Soon! The all new Facebook Timeline Layout Editor! Have you tried out Facebook Symbols? Go to your status box and check out the new Symbols for Facebook! Time to change up your skin! Check out our latest Scenic Facebook Skins featuring all sorts of beautiful tropical scenes and sunsets for Summer time! Celebrate the 4th of July by changing up your Facebook Skin to a Patriotic Facebook Skin! Decorate your profile with Summer Facebook Skins! Get with the season! Customize your text! We just added in a Facebook Symbols feature which is located below your status bar! Offering Text Effects, Symbol Gallery and Symbol Editor! Support FBSkins and 'Like' our Facebook Fan Page! Get all the biggest updates on your newsfeed! The seasons are changing! Spring is here and Summer is right around the corner! Check our our Spring Facebook Skins and start saving your favorite Summer Facebook Skins and be ready to the sunshine! Easter holiday is here and so are Easter Facebook Skins! Decorate your Facebook profile with a cute Easter Facebook Skin today! A new fun feature is on its way! Stick tight and check out our newest Facebook Skins in the meantime! We have just released a whole new Settings interface! If you go to your profile and click on the Social Extras icon at the top right corner of your profile you will notice many more options, a more friendly version of your settings which will give you more control of what you want to enable and disable, show or hide! We just got a brand new look, a brand new feel! With the new design, its even easier than before to get your Facebook skins and extras! Search your skin and click the big Set as Facebook Skin button and wahlah! Spread the word, let your friends know that you can finally customize your Facebook profile! So not only do we offer the most layouts for Facebook out there but we also offer the most features as well! Features including the top favorite dislike button, the photo hover zoom and another favorite, the music player! More features will be added over time as well! Attention! Attention! All FBskins users we have some good news! Yes, yet again a new feature! To get straight to the point, you can now ADD MUSIC TO YOUR PROFILE! Create a music playlist to show off to your friends! Search directly through Youtube for your songs and create a playlist! Show off your taste of music and hear your friends music too! Change it up a little bit! Grab a new Skin! We just added over 2,000 Premade Skins featuring tons of celebrities, models, sports teams and more! It seems like our Dark Skins are one of the most popular skin categories, so we just added over 100 new Dark Facebook Skins to the collection! Check out our latest skins featuring Disney characters such as Beauty and the Beast and Tinkerbell Skins! Also some more Vintage Skins and Fantasy Skins are available! Browse around and find a new skin for yourself! New features are in store! Keep checking back! Not only have we added over 5,000 more skins over the past month but we're also releasing more features for your Facebook plugin! Just to keep you on your toes, we're not going to tell you what the new feature is just yet! Girls, are you interested in Justin Bieber? Are you interested in a. Loading. .. Justin Bieber Skin? Well you're in luck! Over 5 pages of sexy Justin Bieber Skins for Facebook! Think you can create your own Skins? Do you have the skills to do so? Well, you'll never know until you try out our Skin Builder, giving you the ability to add your own backgrounds, adjust the colors and more! Check out the Layout Builder today! Looking for some help on getting a skin? You can check out our Youtube page which gives you the very easy steps on installing the plugin for the skins and the extras in a simple video tutorial. bnh lun mi View all Ngi theo di Copyright 2017 Nhatthienkt's Blog Th thut hay About Lin h ng k Quy nh . They should read 'Enable Snowflakes' and 'Enable Christmas Lights'. Learn more, including about available controls: Cookies Policy.FacebookEmail or PhonePasswordForgot account? Connect with friends and theworld around you on Facebook 5a02188284
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