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Occupational Hazards
by Stephen Brown
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‘It’s democracy. Everyone is equally unhappy. It’s the defining feature of the system’
September 2003. Rory Stewart, a thirty year old former British diplomat, is posted to serve as governor in a province of the newly liberated Iraq. His job is to help build a society at peace with itself and its neighbours – an ambitious mission, admittedly, but outperforming Saddam should surely not prove too difficult…
Stephen Brown’s new play, based on Rory Stewart’s critically acclaimed memoir Occupational Hazards, tells an extraordinary story about the moral conflicts, the dangers and the comic absurdities inherent in any foreign occupation.
Details:Price: $9.89bound: 88 pagesPublisher: Oberon Books (April 28, 2017)Language: EnglishASIN: B071RP622PFile size: 809 KB
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September 2003. Rory Stewart, a thirty year old former British diplomat, is posted to serve as governor in a province of the newly liberated Iraq. His job is to help build a society at peace with itself and its neighbours – an ambitious mission, admittedly, but outperforming Saddam should surely not prove too difficult…
Stephen Brown’s new play, based on Rory Stewart’s critically acclaimed memoir Occupational Hazards, tells an extraordinary story about the moral conflicts, the dangers and the comic absurdities inherent in any foreign occupation.
Details:Price: $9.89bound: 88 pagesPublisher: Oberon Books (April 28, 2017)Language: EnglishASIN: B071RP622PFile size: 809 KB
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