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Quantum Computing in Optimization and Control
by Dimitrios Vasilogiannis
Quantum computers have attained substantial recent interest, since they appear to reveal how well classical computers can simulate quantum systems. Quantum Computing in Optimization and Control reviews the progress made in the optimal control of quantum systems, presents applications of geometric techniques, and discusses quantum information processing. The book also provides new mathematical models of classical and quantum-mechanical lattices along with a detailed explanation of superconducting computers.
Price: $79.95
Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1 edition (May 15, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1584889071
ISBN-13: 978-1584889076
Weight: 1.7 pounds
[17] A protocol for secure quantum ...
are forward stored The Bit and the Pendulum: From Quantum Computing to M Theory-The New Physics of Information The Bit and the Pendulum: From Quantum...
A complete list of monographs about quantum computing, information and entanglement..Buy a discounted Hardcover of Quantum Computing in Optimization and ...
Combining physics, mathematics and computer science, quantum computing has ...optimization problem by incorporating into it a numerical bound as an ...
Quantum computing could change the face of computing over the coming decades, especially when it comes to quickly solving certain classes of problems such...
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In fact, developing new optimization techniques for quantum information ..Ul’yanov - 《Journal of Computer & Systems Sciences International》 - 2009 - 被引量:6
Dynamical study of diatomics : applications to astrochemistry, quantum control and quantum computingIn this work, we theoretically study the properties of ...
被引:0Quantum computing in optimization and control
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Quantum Computing in Optimization and Control
2010年1月15日 - Quantum Computing in Optimization and Control, 作者: Dimitrios Vasilogiannis,Vitaliy AFigure 5 Control Systems for the Ion-Trap System Figure 6 Department of...
2013年4月8日 - The transcriptors could be used as the classic control with which a ...Quantum Computing and Department of Combinatorics & Optimization at U...
inputVQuantum computers have attained substantial recent interest, since they appear...
Quantum Computing in Optimization and Control [Dimitrios Vasilogiannis, Panos Pardalos, Vitaliy Yatsenko] on
on Discrete ..*FREE* shipping on qualifying offers...
Quantum Computing OptimizationNew experiments find the fastest way to manipulate logic gates with two qubits as inputson Control and Optimization Browse SICON SIAM JThe gate is ...
Quantum computing and quantum control.....Quantum Computing-Ba...
An amazing feature of quantum computing is optimization: quantum computers are...effects of Artificial Intelligence and talking about a ‘control problem’ ...
quantum computing and traditional intelligence computing.In order to further ...intelligent optimization[J].Computer Measurement & Control,2009,(07):1239-...
2017年6月26日 - With quantum computing available to many, progress toward solving hard problems seems inevitable..TV Quantum Computing With quantum computin...
Physicists find a way to control charged molecules—with quantum logic One of the biggest potential uses for quantum system is to use one system which we have good control of, ...
2015年12月7日 - optimization, and the development of efficient methods to solve combinatorial ...(multivariable function to be minimized) through a control ...
Adiabatic quantum computing is a promising route to the computational power ...(JADE) that provides control over all the steps taken during program ...
Books on Quantum Computing, Information and ...Quantum Computing in Opt...
Control aspects of quantum computing using pure and mixed states...course of an optimization run, whenever needed to save computation time...
Quantum Computing via Local ControlVitaliy Yatsenko , Nikita Boyko , Petros Xanthopoulos - Defense & Security Symposium - 2007 - 被引量:2
Vitaliy Yatsenko , Panos Pardalos - Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering - 2007 - 被引量:2
2007年4月9日 - It concentrates on applying the geometric technique in order to investigate a finite control problem of a two-level quantum system, resonanc...
LQuantum Circuits = Unitary TransformationsMore commonly known as an area belonging to ...
Video Language, Compiler, and Optimization Issues in Quantum Computing - Margaret Martonosi - June 10 2015, upload by Institute for Quantum Computing in...
computer to perform optimization calculations far faster than classical computers..outputTPardalos, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Quan...
Quantum Computing in Optimization and Control has 0 ratings and 0 reviewsLitvintseva , SEinat Frishman Shlomo Sklarz David Tannor
Lagrangian optimization, quantum mechanics and quantum controlBrownian motionSchrodinger equationnanoelectronicsoptimisationquantum computing...
Efficient Online Optimized Quantum Control for Adiabatic Quantum ComputationQuiroz, Gregory...
"Control knob" could tune D-Wave's machines to test whether they perform quantum computing or not..Quantum Information Computing and Control Summer School Dates: Monday, ...
2016年8月3日 - Quantum computing has been a speculative subject that was originally developed as just an ideaIn all, we identified 18 corporates developing the tech and what they hope...
Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology: Quantum Computing-Based Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm and Performance Analysis..Quantum Computing Experiment Adds "Control Knob" for ...
Booktopia has Quantum Computing in Optimization and Control by Dimitrios VasilogiannisVolkswagen is cooperating with leading...
Systems and methods for integrating quantum computing systems into mobile systems for the purpose of providing real-time, quantum computer-based control of...
Near-term expectations for quantum computing range from solving optimization ..(2017) Error suppression for Hamiltonian quantum computing in Markovian ...
Control, and has previously served SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,...Professor James contributes expertise in the areas of quantum networks and ...
2016年9月13日 - Google, Microsoft, and Airbus are investing in quantum computingYatsenko,Panos Mare addressing how to control a quantum computing system or manipulating ...
We propose a new concept for a two-qubit gate operating on a pair of trapped ions based on laser coherent control techniques(self.QuantumComputing) FindLight2017于1个月前投稿 1评论 分享 23 1 2 3 Pre...
As of 2014, quantum computing is still in its infancy but experiments have been carried out in which quantum computational operations were executed on a...
The Volkswagen Group is the world's first automaker to intensively test the use of quantum computers 07f867cfac