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4 H Poultry Record Book ->>>
Spartans WillMany past members have indicated that record books are boring if they do not have new material each yearAny LicenseIt is recommended to provide youth with a reference for the source of materials added to your record book so can accurately locate correct information and avoid confusion in completing the record book.Skip to content Market animals put an entrepreneurial focus on a 4-H animal project, and can be incorporated into the learning experience in any animal speciesIt is encouraged counties that choose to add a supplemental page select only 1-page per year to ensure total length of the record book remains age-appropriate and manageable for members to completeA reminder: if you are reproducing documents OSU or any other source) please be certain you have proper permissions and/or references to use copyrighted materialsCloverbud Animal Record Book Cloverbud Animal Record Beginner Book (printable) Beginner Book (fillable) Intermediate Book (printable) Intermediate Book (fillable) Advanced Book (printable) Advanced Book (fillable) counties may choose to add additional pages to the record book for local purposes to enhance the educational experience and demonstration of knowledge in other 4-H focus areas through the market animal project such as science, youth leadership development, critical thinking and decision making, safety, or career explorationThe Michigan 4-H Animal Market Project Record Book has been developed at three levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and concepts learned through the market animal project and demonstrated through completion of the Michigan 4-H Animal Market Project Record Book are highlighted below: Goal setting Identifying target markets and marketing strategies Distinguishing product features Communication strategy and sales pitch Record keeping Breakeven price and profitability The Michigan 4-H Animal Market Project Record Books provided here are a tool for county 4-H programs to help youth learn and document their understanding of livestock marketing concepts 8ca7aef5cf