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14 Oct 2016 This guide is written for users who are not familiar with UNICORN™ software and. AKTAexplorer.HereyouwilllearnthebasicsofUNICORNandhowtooperateAKTAexplorer from UNICORN. UNICORN is a software package for control and supervision of the AKTAexplorer chromatographysystem.
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu's millions of monthly readers. Title: AKTA FPLC Explorer 100 Operator's Manual - Marshall Scientific, Author: Marshall Scientific, Name:
All users must read the entire Operating Instructions before installing, operating or maintaining the product. Always keep the Operating Instructions at hand when operating the product. Do not operate the product in any other way than described in the user documentation. If you do, you may be exposed to hazards that can
12 Oct 2016 AKTAexplorer systems are entirely controlled by UNICORN software Automated scouting for maximum flow rate using AKTAexplorer 100. Run .. avoiding the need for manual steps after sample loading, purifying up to six samples in one automated run. AKTA High Flow Kit. • Higher flow rate: 200 ml/min.
Important user information. All users must read this entire manual to fully understand the safe use of AKTA™. FPLC. WARNING! The Warning sign highlights an instruction that must be strictly followed in order to avoid personal injury. Be sure not to proceed until the instructions are clearly understood and all stated conditions
The instrument should be installed on a stable laboratory bench or in. AKTAexplorer™ or AKTApurifier™. To ensure correct ventilation a free space of. 0.1 m is required behind and in front of the instrument. Do not use any soft mate- rial under the instrument, to ensure that the ventilation inlet in the front is not blocked.
AKTAexplorer amersham bioscience amersham bioscience amersham bioscience amersham bioscience. AKTA system Training Guide. Explorer 100 / 10 . PUMP P-900 Manually Priming Buffer Inlet Lines. Open. Draw Air out of. Buffer Line. Manual. Flowpath. A1 or A2. BufferValveA. Manual. Flowpath. B1 or B2.
Tubing Kit. No Frac. Frac 901. Frac 950. AKTApurifier 100 , 0.50 tubing kit. 232. 382. AKTApurifier 100 , 0.75 tubing kit. 470. 620. AKTApurifier 100 , 1.00 tubing kit. 769. 809. AKTApurifier 100 , 0.50 tubing kit + pH electrode. 354. 504. AKTApurifier 100 , 0.75 tubing kit + pH electrode. 672. 862. AKTApurifier 100 , 1.00 tubing
12 Oct 2016 AKTAexplorer is assembled and fully tested before shipping. For safe transportation, however, some components have been detachedand thus need to be remounted. Cables, capillaries, accessories, column holder, etc. are enclosed in paper boxes or in. Box-900 located at the top of the instrument pile.
4 Feb 2015 AKTA pure overview .. 11. 1.3. AKTA pure user documentation 13. 2. The AKTA pure instrument . AKTA pure User Manual 29-1199-69 AA.