Sunday 10 November 2013 photo 1/1
Reasons why I’m a bad friend:
• i get too attached
• i will complain about all my problems to you
• i will snap at you by accident one day, causing you to hate me
• i need to be reassured periodically that you don't think im annoying
• i am annoying
• i'm boring
• i dont know how to keep the conversation going
• i get emotional after midnight and will probably tell you something that could make you think differently of me
Comment the photo
Mon 11 Nov 2013 07:37
Shut up! varför ljuger du? du är världens bästa människa och är inte alls tråkig eller irriterande! det finns a shitload of reasons varför vi har varit bästisar i snart 11år ♥ jag finns alltid, i vått och torrt♥ kom ihåg det hjärtat♥
Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:09
Reasons why you are a good friend:
-you're trustable.
-you're funny.
-you're awesome.
-you're someone I can be goofy with.
-And there is a shitload of other reasons why I'm your friend, cutie. <3
-you're trustable.
-you're funny.
-you're awesome.
-you're someone I can be goofy with.
-And there is a shitload of other reasons why I'm your friend, cutie. <3
4 comments on this photo