November 2006
After a while i ended upp in borlänge.(as usual)
first god wanted me to taste the cold that he had created today.
so ofcourse we got stuck in the snow with the car.
First it went good. then st
when I the saw the hole I said holy crap. so its a hole(y) crap...hehe. didnt make sense...ow well..
yesterday Linus and I got a piano. it sound really good. i have been fixing with it today. I kinda miss working with piano flügels. Maybe I shall start on my carl bechstein again...
Anders told me that his mom wanted him to become a model. whats wrong with my mom. she doesnt say that to me=P Am I the ugly duck?
mom do you love me?..hehe..
If we some how got stuck to each and others faces this is a taste of what it could look like. thank god thats impossible...( no ofense Anders)
After Filip and I been to borlänge we feelt hungry.
so food would be nice.
I took a look in the refrigerator and it looked kinda empty.
Then i came up with the brilliant idea.
lets mix all th
we found something that goes by the name Rambutan.
it had this wierd asian writin on the label. (wierd to me at least but actually its a asian languge so common for a lot i belive=P)
Filip look it u
smart man är då. then we went over the line addin chocolate souce.
mixin it with the olives and sweet chillisouce and mushromes. yeeayh.
if you cant figure it out by your self it tasted
I look kinda pleased. and kinda drunk. and the girl im with has her hand get it...
Im in Anders appartment. damn there are lots of anders every where. this is Anders Lövgrens apartment. By now im way starting to get really wasted.