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Boulder weekly voter guide: >> << (Download)
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daily camera voter guide
boulder voting
13 Oct 2016 Not long ago I encouraged BW readers to stop voting for candidates who take money directly or indirectly from the members of Colorado Concern. Unfortunately, if you take that advice, you will find it is nearly impossible to vote for any establishment Democratic or Republican in Colorado, and in many races
CANDIDATES: Residents who live within the boundaries of Longmont's 3 wards (Ward map here) will vote for the Mayoral, Ward 2 Representative and 2 At-Large Representative seats for this election. Longmont Area Democrats does not officially endorse candidates in non partisan races, but our mission is to educate folks
25 Oct 2017 Title: 10 26 17 boulder weekly, Author: Boulder Weekly, Name: 10 26 17 boulder weekly, Length: 80 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2017-10-26. City of Boulder. But if I were, I know that I'd be voting YES on ballot initiative 2L to keep the movement going strong toward the municipalization of the utility. This is
10 Oct 2015 Twelve Voter Service and Polling Centers and/or ballot drop-offs will be available in Boulder County. Visit a center to drop off your ballot, cast a ballot in person, request a replacement ballot, register to vote or update your registration information, or vote using equipment and facilities for persons with
As Boulder County's only independently owned newspaper, Boulder Weekly is dedicated to illuminating truth, advancing justice and protecting the First Amendment through ethical, no-holds-barred journalism and thought-provoking opinion writing. Free every Thursday since 1993, the Weekly also offers the county's most
A spokesperson for the oil and gas industry is claiming that local anti-fracking groups benefit from just as much financial support as the industry when it comes to campaigning on the upcoming oil and gas ballot measures in Boulder and Lafayette Read more · Vote 2013
Daily Camera Voter Guide 2016: Boulder County, Broomfield candidates and ballot issues. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. All eligible voters should begin receiving mail-in ballots later this week. Voters can register right up to and even on Election Day and can verify online that they're properly registered at the following
City of Boulder Council CandidatesVote for no more than five (5)Names appear as they do on the example ballot. Endorsements appear in bold Read more · Vote 2013 · Election Guide 2013: Lafayette City Council. By Boulder Weekly Staff - October 17, 2013. 0. City of Lafayette Council CandidatesVote for not more than
The centers also are available to help county residents update their voter information or vote in person on an ADA-accessible voting machine or paper ballot. Voters who have not received a ballot or who have questions about their ballot can email, call 303-413-7740, or visit an election service
10 Oct 2013 We all know that the big turnout years occur primarily during presidential elections, but it shouldn't be that way. In reality, the members of our local city councils have a far larger impact on our day-to-day lives than anyone in Washington D.C.. Our local elected officials can determine, to varying degrees,