December 2009
I love this picture sfm. & this is pretty much the perfect depiction of what I want my life to look like.
I think we're going to be needing a Who's Who of Old Hollywood. Well, my blog will be needing one for reference anyway, so I might as well share the pretty boys and girls with you too. That'll be tom
I'm going to make a cup of tea and watch this now. Also, obligatory .gif sharing:
Two reasons for posting this: First, I realised that I hadn't posted any James Dean pictures yet, and second, this picture is just really nice.
(kl. 02:11) Om typ tolv timmar dras det igång med engelskt julfirande, men tills dess får Jimmy Carr stå för julkänslan. Och kanske är det så att ni inte tycker värst mycket om Jimmy Carr, me