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Megacyllene bugguide: >> << (Download)
Megacyllene bugguide: >> << (Read Online)
Megacyllene caryae - male - female Megacyllene robiniae, Locust borer? females yellow stripes, males (presumably) white stripes Locust or Hickory Borer - Megacyllene caryae What bug please - Megacyllene caryae is this a longhorn beetle? - Megacyllene caryae Hickory Borer Beetle - Megacyllene caryae unknown,
Genus Megacyllene. The information below is based on images submitted and identified by contributors. Range and date information may be incomplete, overinclusive, or just plain wrong.
4 Dec 2017 Locust boring beetle, Megacyllene robinae - Megacyllene caryae need ID on this flying insect - Megacyllene caryae April visitor - Megacyllene caryae Need Help Identifying This Bug - Megacyllene caryae Hickory Borer - Megacyllene caryae Hickory Borer Beetle - Megacyllene caryae What bug please
An online resource devoted to North American insects, spiders and their kin, offering identification, images, and information.
Locust boring beetle, Megacyllene robinae - Megacyllene caryae need ID on this flying insect - Megacyllene caryae April visitor - Megacyllene caryae Need Help Identifying This Bug - Megacyllene caryae Hickory Borer - Megacyllene caryae Hickory Borer Beetle - Megacyllene caryae What bug please - Megacyllene caryae
An online resource devoted to North American insects, spiders and their kin, offering identification, images, and information.
An online resource devoted to North American insects, spiders and their kin, offering identification, images, and information.
4 Dec 2017 No Taxon (Series Cucujiformia). Superfamily Chrysomeloidea (Long-horned and Leaf Beetles). Family Cerambycidae (Long-horned Beetles). Subfamily Cerambycinae. Tribe Clytini. Genus Megacyllene. Synonyms and other taxonomic changes. Megacyllene Casey 1912. Numbers. 10 spp. in our area (all
longhorned beetle - Megacyllene decora similar to Megacyllene robiniae - Megacyllene decora Megacyllene 622A 6135 - Megacyllene decora Megacyllene decora? - Megacyllene decora Unknown 4109 - Megacyllene decora Flower beetle 092814 - Megacyllene decora Cerambycid beetle species (lloks like a species in
Black & Yellow Beetle - Megacyllene decora Amorpha Borer? - Megacyllene decora Amorpha Borer - Megacyllene decora Goldenrod Soldier Beetle-looking bug - some were orange and some were yellow - Megacyllene Megacyllene decora - Amorpha Borer - Megacyllene decora Cerambycid beetle species (lloks like a