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Complement instruction in 8085: >> << (Download)
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23 Jul 2016 Logical instruction of 8085 Instruction Set of 8085 Classification of Instruction Set Logical Instructions AND, OR, XOR Logical Instructions Summary Logical Gr
Explain the execution of the instruction CMA in 8085. The Complement Accumulator (CMA) instruction provides a 1's complement of the 8 bits in the A register, i.e the 1's are set to 0's and the 0's are set to 1's.
Explain the execution of the instruction CMA in 8085. CMA - Complement Accumulator. The Complement Accumulator (CMA) instruction provides a 1's complement of the 8 bits in the A register, i.e the 1's are set to 0's and the 0's are set to 1's.
View 1s-Complement-8-bit from EIED UEI504 at Thapar University. 8085 Programs Program 1: 1s complement of an 8-bit number. Flowchart: Start Load accumulator with operand from memory. Complement.
LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS OF THE 8085 MICROPROCESSOR These instructions are symbol as follows: A="A".X. 2. OR Operation (ORA, ORI) :- These instructions ORs the accumulator with the required 8-bit data, and put the results again Complement Operation (CMA) :- This instruction also addresses the accumulator.
Bit D0 is placed in the Carry flag, and the Carry flag is placed in the most significant position D7. CY is modified according to bit D0. Eg: - RAR. 5. CMA: - The content of accumulator is complemented. Eg: - CMA. 6. CMC: - The carry flag is complemented. Eg: - CMC. 7. STC: - This instruction sets the carry flag. Eg: - STC.
HLT, none, Halt and enter wait state, The CPU finishes executing the current instruction and halts any further execution. An interrupt or This is a multipurpose instruction and used to implement the 8085 interrupts 7.5, 6.5, 5.5, and serial data output. The instruction Example: RAR. CMA, none, Complement accumulator.
8085 Instructions. The subtraction is performed by the 2's complement method and the difference if negative is expressed in the 2's complement form. (d) Complement: the accumulator contents can be complemented (that is performing the NOT operation, logical inversion) using the instruction CMA where all 1s are
14 Sep 2017 Address, Mnemonics, Operand, Opcode, Comments. 2000, LDA, 3000H, 3A, Load H-L pair with data from 3000H. 2001, 00. 2002, 30. 2003, CMA, 2F, Complement accumulator. 2004, STA, 3001H, 32, Store the result at memory location 3001H. 2005, 01. 2006, 30. 2007, HLT, 76, Halt