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Guided reading activity building colonial unity: >> << (Download)
Guided reading activity building colonial unity: >> << (Read Online)
Building Colonial Unity. Ch. 5, Sec. 2—Building Colonial Unity. Creating a Nation Building Colonial Unity p.136. Trouble in Boston 1768 – Customs officials sent word back that the colonies were on the brink of a rebellion. Workbook Page 47 Back Class Notes. Trouble in Boston A.Bostonians were angry at having soldiers
Study the cards as you study the chapter. Answering Questions DIRECTIONS: Reading the section and complet- ing the questions below will help you learn about the building of colonial unity. Use your textbook to answer the questions. 1. Listing List three reasons why Bostonians felt the British had pushed them too far. 2.
13 Sep 2013 Chapter 5 Section 2: Building Colonial Unity The Boston Massacre The Boston Tea Party On December 16 1773 the Boston Tea Party occurred. A group of colonists disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and threw 342 chests of tea overboard.
1770 - 1774 Main Idea: As tensions between colonists and the British government increased, protests grew stronger.
Guided Reading Activity 5-2 Building Colonial Unity Outline I. Trouble in Boston A. B. The soldiers acted rudely and sometimes violently toward the colonists. 1. March 5, 1770 2. They threw stones, snowballs, oyster shells, and pieces of wood at the soldiers and screamed at them. 3. He was a dockworker and one of 5
27 Mar 2015 document.write(adsense.get_banner_code('200x90')); Slide 1 Guided Reading Activity 5-2 Building Colonial Unity Outline Slide 2 I. Trouble in Boston A. The soldiers
Chapter 5 Section 2: Building Colonial Unity. 1. I. Trouble in Boston (Pages 136–137). A. Parliament sent two regiments of troops (often referred to as redcoats) to Boston. They set up camp in the heart of the city. These soldiers were in some cases rude and violent toward the colonists. Because Boston resented.
Chapter 5-2 Protests for Liberty and against unjust treatment and action by Parliament in Boston led to large quantities of British troops being sent to occupy Boston British troops treated Bostonians poorly How did the colonists feel about being policed and monitored by British troops.
1 Chapter 5 Section 2 Building Colonial Unity Page 136-139. Key terms Propaganda: Information designed to influence opinion Committee of Correspondence: They circulated writings about colonists' protest against Britain Objectives Students will be able to describe how the Colonist had disputes with the British and how