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Joining instructions ima pdf: >> << (Download)
Joining instructions ima pdf: >> << (Read Online)
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Tele: IMA/5320. REGISTERED. Bhartiya Saninya Academy. Indian Military Academy. Dehradun. JOINING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PERMANENT COMMISSION. COURSE FOR JCOs/NCOs SELECTED FOR PC(SL) COURSE. AT INDAIAN MILITARY ACADEMY, DEHRADUN. General. 1. A course of 04 weeks duration for
JOINING INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES SELECTED TO UNDERGO . 8 Nos. (two each in. Maroon, OTA Grey and. OG as shown on cover of. Joining Instructions. Booklet and two in black. (xix) Fifty Red Colour (For Sikh GCs.) .. In case you resign to join IMA, Navy or air Force, no charges will be required to be.
JOINING. INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE ISSUED FOR PRE-COMMISSIONING TRAINING SUBJECT. TO APPEARING IN MERIT LIST, MEDICAL FITNESS AND AS entire stipend will be paid in lumpsum only on reporting for training at IMA. Scheme (UES) while undergoing training at IMA, Dehradun are insured for Rs.40 lac.
Immediately on receipt of Joining Instructions, acknowledgement will be sent, as per format given at Appendix A with a copy to Adjutant IMA, Dehradun. 13. The following documents duly completed will be brought by the GCs and will be checked on arrival at the Academy :-- (a) Original/Ink signed Call Letter/Joining
format given at Appendix A with a copy to Commandant IMA, Dehradun. 11. The following documents duly completed will be brought by the Gentlemen Cadets and will be checked on arrival at the Academy :-- (a) Original/Ink signed Call Letter/Joining Instruction from Recruiting Directorate,. IHQ of MoD (Army). (b) Proof of
1 Dec 2016 The Joining Instruction will help you to do the initial preparation for your move to the Academy. Deliberate . Immediately on receipt of the Joining Instructions, candidates are required to forward the .. element hence will be entitled for maturity benefits on leaving the IMA on any ground. (b). Air Force/Naval
27 Jul 2014 If you are reading this post then I'm sure that either out of curiosity or you have been selected to join one of the prestigious military academy like IMA, OTA or NDA. If your reason is latter one, then let me congratulate you for that. Well Done!! The joining instructions published by the Indian Army
14 Nov 2015 As per the UPSC Notification for Combined Defence Services Entry, candidates have to follow few instructions before joining the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun. Before the candidate joins the Indian Military Academy. Gentlemen cadets will be dealt with the ordinary disciplinary
Congratulations on getting selected and getting medical clearance. You need to prepare for nothing before going there to IMA. They will train you in all aspects needed after you reach there. In the joining instructions that they send you, there