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Mutant X Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qxq7i
A fugitive geneticist and four of his "creations" search for others of their kind while attempting to stay a step ahead of a morally ambiguous government agent.
A secret government project to create genetic mutants results in them being released into the general population. One of the scientists responsible, Adam, has sworn to try and help them, while his co-partner, Mason Eckhart, plans on using the project for his own ends. Adam assembles four mutants and forms the group "Mutant X" to help mutants everywhere, and oppose Eckhart.
This is a great sci-fi action show.I know it's not as popular as some, but I think it's cool.The fx are awesome,the stories are great,the dialog is good,and the characters couldn't be better.This show has some really good actors who almost convince you they ARE the characters they play.This show may not get rave reviews,but I think it's worth watching.
I can't comment on similarity to XMen, because I have never seen XMen. I don't think it really matters, because Mutant X is aimed at a mass audience rather than that oddball group of comic book dweebs who obsess over the XMen. That also means that the show gets a walk on some of the supposedly cliched aspects--they're new to most of the viewers. Mutant X has the most important requirement down: interesting characters. The four young mutant heroes are all pretty good, though the two actresses playing Shalimar and Emma should stop speaking through their noses. John Shea's performance as Adam is unfortunately rather bloodless. Not really a false performance, but dull. The villain is likewise lacking. The plots always end the same way, with Eckhart foiled again and frustrated. Ultimately, the story must go that way, but the inevitability of it takes a lot of the suspense out of the show. My biggest complaint is that the storytelling has little heart. The characters are allowed little motivation other than friendship and idealism. The most emotional moments have been tedious stories about someone's childhood friend turning against them or Jesse's father having to be bailed out. These four (extremely) attractive young adults live, work, and play together but never have any emotion other than mild friendship?
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