Monday 14 June 2010 photo 1/1
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Om en vecka (alltså den 14:e eftersom jag skriver det här den 7:e) börjar jag jobba, yaaaaayzzzhhh!

Tue 8 Jun 2010 22:01
jag har kanske TRE jobb i sommar. jag har två redan nu och nu har iss hört av sig också. jag såg mejlet förrns nu och jag kan inte ringa så här sent. sjukt störande. hoppas att dom inte ger det till nån annan!
Mon 7 Jun 2010 20:05
Bahahaha. This genuinely made me giggle.
Especially since I have seen someone do this, and actually get really frustrated.
But hey, it was even funnier when it fell on the ground and he has a temper tantrum because he couldn't eat his cookie. XD
Especially since I have seen someone do this, and actually get really frustrated.
But hey, it was even funnier when it fell on the ground and he has a temper tantrum because he couldn't eat his cookie. XD

Tue 8 Jun 2010 16:06
Haha that pic was from some forum where a guy had posted a bunch of pics of his girlfriend, best thing was that she was both taller and weighed like three times as much as him so she looked like an elephant on the pics of them kissing
Mon 7 Jun 2010 15:59
Varför har du den där fula bilden på mig för? :( nu ser ju alla den fula bilden :( elacking ;s

Mon 7 Jun 2010 11:04
Vilka dagar/tider jobbar du?

Tue 8 Jun 2010 16:07
Inga regelbundna dagar, har fått lite här och där. Jobbar 16-20 eller 7-14 så det blir typ halvdag de dagar som jag jobbar
13 comments on this photo