Wednesday 7 March 2012 photo 2/2
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Who was your first doll? Do you still own him, her, or it?
Casper- BbbTiny Sunny och jag har han fortfarande ^.^
Who is your favorite doll?
Nana <3
Which doll do you hope or plan to buy next?
DZ Chen eller en kropp
Quick! You've instantly got $800 and must choose a doll to spend it on right now or it's gone forever! Who do you pick?
DZ Chen eller Souldoll Kagel :3
Quick! You've instantly got enough money for any one and must choose a doll to spend it on right now or it's gone forever, but this time you have to buy the doll for someone else! Who gets the dolly, and what do you get them?
DZ Hong till Katten <3
Are you currently waiting on any dolls, heads, or bodies?
nepp. önskar att jag gjorde det iallafall
Do any of your dolls seem to like you to the point that they are infatuated with you?
tror inte direkt det men om jag måste säga nån så är det nog Kim
Do any of your dolls seem to dislike or even hate you?
Who's your most expensive doll at the time you purchased them, not counting items you bought separately for them?
Noah ^.^
Who's the least expensive doll you own?
Casper ^^
Is there a limit to what you'd spend on a doll?
så länge jag har pengarna tror jag inte att jag har nån
Which doll did you wait for the longest for so far?
Which doll had the shortest wait so far?
ja du..det vet jag inte kanske Kim..?
Who's the biggest doll you own?
Noah 58cm
Who's the smallest doll you own?
Nana en PukiFee fast jag är ganska säker på att Casper är aningen kortare ^.^
Got any floating heads? If yes, how likely are they to receive bodies anytime soon?
2 stycken som jag nån gång framöver tänker skaffa kroppar till
Got any floating bodies?
Do you have any extra, unclaimed pairs of eyes? How many if so?
Do you have any extra, unclaimed wigs? How many if so?
någon enstaka lurvig sak ..
Anything you've said "never" to in the hobby that you later gave in to?
att jag aldrig skulle skaffa en tiny men mina två första blev ju två små saker ;3
Do you own dolls that aren't BJDs?
runt 15 porslinsdockor
What was your last doll-related purchase?
saker från Alice's Collections
What do you expect your next doll-related purchase to be?
face-up saker kanske?..
What was the last doll-related thing to arrive to you by mail?
ett par skor ^^
What was the last doll-related thing you purchased in person?
Not counting floating heads, floating bodies, and anything on layaway (paid off dolls count), how many complete dolls do you own?
The quiz is over! Any last words?
I have cookies! XD
Camera info
Camera HDR-CX130E
Focal length 2 mm
Aperture f/1.8
Shutter 1/25 s
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