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DOWNLOAD Oracle sqlplus prompt example: >> <<
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oracle prompt message
21 May 2013 You have to specify the data type as part of the ACCEPT statement. If none is given, it assumes a number. Try ACCEPT myVariable CHAR
The following example shows the use of PROMPT in conjunction with ACCEPT in a script called ASKFORDEPT.SQL. ASKFORDEPT.SQL contains the following
Oracle Database date formats such as "dd/mm/yy" are valid when the datatype is Examples. To display the prompt "Password: ", place the reply in a CHAR
Selection from Oracle SQL*Plus: The Definitive Guide [Book] Use the ACCEPT command to prompt for these values earlier in the script, before the SET . In the LIST_INDEXES example, messages could be added prior to the DESCRIBE
6 Nov 2005 For example, you might want to set the SQL prompt to a combination of . opens, it runs the script $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql .
PROMPT command outputs a line of data to the screen. : Prompt « SQL Plus « Oracle PL / SQL. Related examples in the same category
20 Nov 2008 Amend your $ORACLE_HOMEsqlplusadminglogin.sql script - add: In Oracle 10g this will change correctly each time you issue a "conn".
Answer: In complex Oracle environments it is not uncommon for the Oracle file in the $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin directory, you can enhance the SQL*Plus prompt The following example clarifies this limitation of the SQL*Plus prompt.
SQL*Plus displays a right angle-bracket (>) as a prompt for each additional line. .. Examples. To display the prompt "Password: ", place the reply in a CHAR
13 Mar 2013 The SQLPLUS PROMPT statement is used to send informational Example. rem NAME: PKEYLIST.sql rem rem rem FUNCTION: This routine