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Eq 2 shadowknight aa guide: >> http://aip.cloudz.pw/download?file=eq+2+shadowknight+aa+guide << (Download)
Eq 2 shadowknight aa guide: >> http://aip.cloudz.pw/read?file=eq+2+shadowknight+aa+guide << (Read Online)
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7 Feb 2014 Everyone who plays with me knows that I'm a fast-paced player that finds a challenge in running instances as fast as possible. I don't know a tank that can do it better than an SK! 3. AA choice and why - with screen shots. It's important to note that to do my job I maintain two primary specs - 1. Pure DPS, 2.
31 Mar 2010 This thread details: Leveling, AA Specs for Leveling, How to Tank, How to DPS, and max AA specs. 1. LEVELING If you are a brand new player to the game, the best way to level is to do the solo questlines. You can find them all here: Solo Timelines - EQ2i, the EverQuest 2 Wiki - Quests, guides, mobs, npcs,
4 Apr 2013 Hi all, decided to start playing a Shadowknight and got him to level 10. I currently have 17 AA's but no idea on how to spend them. My playstyle will be purely solo, questing, soloing named/heroic mobs. I don't have any desire to raid, etc. I like to explore and see how much content I can take on solo. Thanks
15 Nov 2011 EverQuest II Shadowknight Tanking and DPS Guide by Toesmash. I see lots of questions on how to DPS and tank as an SK so I decided to wip up a little guide on how I DPS and MT/OT. These are things that work for me, and I do not assume that this is how everyone should play an SK, and I'm not the end
1 Jul 2010 EverQuest II Sample Alternate Advancements. to build your perfect Crusader spec. Crusaders are great tanks, very useful in PvP, and capable soloers. While their alternate advancements of specs for each of the Crusaders, the Paladin and the Shadowknight. You'll find one geared towards tanking and
28 May 2017
So I rolled up an SK on FG server, really loving the class, I also really loved the class in original EQ as well. I can see why they are so
There are certainly plenty of build ideas to choose from based on your play style. You may find that as you level, and acquire AA points, there will be more beneficial ways to spend your points to be self sufficient. Then you may respec later on for tanking in raids and veteran groups. It is generally considered a good idea to
18 Jan 2013 and the AA specs, rotations etc may not be the most optimal for your playstyle). Shadowknight Guide The Shadowknight is a dark warrior that use their dark powers at the forefront of battle. They are amongst the most popular of the classes in Everquest 2, much because of their very strong soloing skills.
17 Feb 2017 Level 100 Shadowknight Level 95 Alchemist. Health: 5,217,726. Out-of-Combat Regen: 208,731. Power: 228,606. Out-of-Combat Regen: 9,166. Run Speed: 115%. Status: 142,154,000. Attributes. Strength: 15,620. Agility: 7,646. Intelligence: 6,825. Wisdom: 13,428. Stamina: 36,647. Defense. Elemental:.