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Hibernate Framework Ebook Free Download ->>>
The second foreign key on points to the primary key of TPERSON.In order to insert a project with a few geeks that can program in Java into the data store, the following code can be used:session.getTransaction().begin(); List resultList = session.createQuery("from Geek as geek where geek.favouriteProgrammingLanguage = ?").setString(0, "Java").list(); Project project = new Project(); project.setTitle("Java Project"); for (Geek geek : resultList) { project.getGeeks().add(geek); geek.getProjects().add(project); }; session.getTransaction().commit(); The initial query selects all geeks that have Java their favorite languageRelated 1441What is reflection and why is it useful?2838Differences between HashMap and Hashtable?4801Is Java “pass-by-reference" or “pass-by-value"?1590How do I call one constructor from another in Java?2210What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it?808Hibernate possible values and what they do?2559Iterate through a HashMap3114Java's +=, -=, *=, /= compound assignment operators636What's the difference between JPA and Hibernate?19844Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array? Hot Network Questions How can I completely hide and protect strings from the player in Unity? from the Pyramids, what is the tallest man-made structure still standing in Europe & the Near East from ancient times? Avast on macOS High Sierra claims it has caught the Windows-Only Cryptonight virus Can a PC be surprised if he expects combat before the encounter? tclap vsHe also strongly believes in automated testing and continuous integrationThe XML element set defines the one side of the mapping: the items inside the set geeks should be stored in a separate table named TGEEKSPROJECTS with the columns IDPROJECT and IDGEEKIn this revised edition, authors Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory cover Hibernate 5 in detail with the Java Persistence 2.1 standard (JSR 338)The table TGEEK consists of two columns: IDPERSON to reference the corresponding person and FAVPROGLANG to store the favorite programming language.Storing a geek in the database now consists of two insert statements:Hibernate: insert into TPERSON (ID, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, IDIDCARD) values (null, ?, ?, ?) Hibernate: insert into TGEEK (FAVPROGLANG, IDPERSON) values (?, ?) The first statement inserts a new row into the table TPERSON, while the second one inserts a new row into the table TGEEKIn our case defines that we want to use h2 and that the single database file where H2 stores its data should be located in the home directory of the user and should be named hibernate (/hibernate)On the other side of the relation the XML element set inside the subclass for Geek defines the inverse relation (inverse="true")
The first property connection.driverclass specifies the database driver that should be usedThe Boolean data type for example is mapped on an H2 database to the type booleanshareimprove this answer edited Feb 14 '16 at 5:35 Vlad Mihalcea 41.2k692277 answered Aug 17 at 15:45 Pascal Thivent 444k998981034 add a comment up vote 2 down vote I'd suggest to take a look at this free knol : Nhibernate by Fabio Maulo, it's link to the first chapter (total: 20 chapters)The user can chose how to map superclass and subclass to the tables of a relational databaseHibernate: drop table TPERSON if exists Hibernate: drop table TPHONE if exists
Therefore we are using a sequence instead of an identity column by switching the value for the class attribute from native to sequence.Now the DDL statements created by Hibernate look like the following ones:Hibernate: drop table TGEEK if exists Hibernate: drop table TPERSON if exists Hibernate: drop sequence if exists hibernatesequence Hibernate: create table TGEEK ( ID bigint not null, FIRSTNAME varchar(255), LASTNAME varchar(255), FAVPROGLANG varchar(255), primary key (ID) ) Hibernate: create table TPERSON ( ID bigint not null, FIRSTNAME varchar(255), LASTNAME varchar(255), primary key (ID) Hibernate: create sequence hibernatesequence The output above clearly demonstrates that the table TGEEK now contains next to FAVPROGLANG also the columns for the superclass (FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME)The following code creates a new project and adds a period to it:Project project = new Project(); project.setTitle("Java Project"); Period period = new Period(); period.setStartDate(new Date()); project.setPeriod(period); Setting these two values for each entity on all insert and update operations is a fairly tedious taskThe attributes name and column define the fields name in the class and the column, respectively.The following code shows exemplary how to store a person in the database:private void persistPerson(Session session) throws Exception { { Transaction transaction = session.getTransaction(); transaction.begin(); Person person = new Person(); person.setFirstName("Homer"); person.setLastName("Simpson");; transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } throw e; } } Next to the code to handle the transaction it creates a new instance of the class Person and assigns two values to the fields firstName and lastNameAs this is not always the preferred way to handle relationships between one can also select only specific operations: The example above demonstrates how to configure the mapping such that only calls to save(), saveOrUpdate() and refresh (re-reads the state of the given object from the database) are cascadedTools About Source code Issue tracker Security issue Forum Wiki CI This transaction is immediately started by invoking the method begin() on itOn the other hand the method update() does not return the identifier as it assumes that the entity has already been stored to the data store and therefore must have an identifierIn order to relieve us for development purposes from the burden to create the schema manually, we instruct Hibernate with the option set to create to create all tables during startup.Last but not least we define a mapping resource file that contains all the mapping information for our applicationTables 4 c16eaae032