Saturday 12 January 2013 photo 1/1
I'm kinda back...
The moment when you realize that you've realized something that you thought you'd never realize but realized anyway, then you realize that the thing you realized was maybe not the thing you thought you realized because of the moment when the realization occured...
And yes I realize that my brain is somewhat f*cked a pretty good way...
I miss a friend that I used to be friends with before the friendliness ended, and the journey started, and the friendship grew past best friends, but then ended in a way that could've been handled much better, cause then even the friendship "ended"...even though it ended pretty good if you think of the circumstances...but what if I would regain that contact of a friend, not best, but still as a friend...maybe...but not now, I don't dare to do it now, what if I still got the feelings left, even if I know now that I don't...but still, what if...
Oh brain... O.o