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Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
(Bara för att jag typ aldrig postar här, så copypastar jag från min LJ. Och ursäkta eventuella namn som dyker upp XD http://syrenshaeda.livejournal.com/tag/picture+calendar
Shitload of snow today, and I had to brush of the snow of my car twicetoday (haha, it's so dirty ;_;), since I went out one time about 2pm,and then again 10pm xD Snowed down again. Got some windshield
Really uneventful day. Got woken up because someone called me at 11something am, just to be an ass. He says he's gonna call to wake me uptomorrow too.That bastard. Fell asleep again and slept to I can
Another boring day where I slept late. Surprise, surprise. Got anamusing card from Shinke from when he were on.. La Gomera. Spain. Funfact: Shinke got back home on Tuesday. o Slow card. Also got my pa
Another boring day. Picked up my shineys. The half pearl thingiesare an ass to handle in that case. All static and stuff and flyingeverywhere when turning on it. Another drive 8D Wrom. Wasn't much t
About 6pm I went to take pictures of fireworks. WhenI was there, I realized it wasn't announced where it was gonna be XDbut I spotted it on the way down the street, so I pulled over and gotsome pictur
Today I did absolutely nothing. I woke up around 5:30 pm, after going to bed.. 7am XD And probably falling asleep later. So. Nothing fun today. SoI'm posting a picture with SNOW because Sui wanted it.
As you might have noticed, I didn't post a picture yesterday. Islept most of the day, because my sleeping schedule got totally out ofwhack. I also didn't to squat. So it'd be more or less a repetition
Today. Was cooold D: (I think that was more like 7 something am. I believe the clock is still on summer time) It was around -10 when I went outside though. Wasgonna look for some blouse to use with th
Got a Christmas card today 8D Ibought cards today, so I will write a few. I'll try to get the onesgoing out of Norway done, so I can send them tomorrow. Should arrivejust in time, if I'm lucky XD Then
This pretty much sums up my day. Internet is pretty much down, so I'm on the laptop on some random internet.
Got the cards done, but, not sent out. Woke up super tired, since Icouldn't sleep again, a recurring problem lately. Hohum. Hopefully Iget them sent out Monday. I suppose the post office isn't open to
Another boring day with crappy internet, and nothing to do. I wish I was living in Oslo, so I could be bugging people XD Watched Nana 2. Pretty decent, but it really threw me off since a few of the ch
Boring day, as usual. Slept late, dad was less impressed, keptwhining about "what a life I have, staying up and waking up late", andthen talked about hearing for a job at Jordan (tooth brushes and oth
... My car conked out today. Blah. So had to charge it up a bit. It's been starting up fine for.. a month now. Dunno what's happening X3 I haven't used it since Friday or Saturday.. But it has been ot
This morning I got a message from some guy, saying he was doing some family research, and that he's my.. something. Butyeah, he also wondered if he could get my dad's number, as well as callme later i
Got a pack in the mail today 8D It was the order from Crazy Factory,with some new balls for me, and some other stuff for other people. Finally I have matching balls again! Haven't had two of the same
A small trip to Sweden today, with Shinke 8D And this is more orless my loot; A champagne bottle, rum bottle, two bags of chips (theheart one isn't all that good), two boxes of Poptarts, gold glittern
An utter boring day. I don't even have a real picture XD Just lazing around today, whining over boredom and how much tv sucks in weekends. Played Bejeweled, got to rank 10. This game got to 716 510 po
Today I went to see Max Manus with dad. I'm not veeery interested in history, but this was pretty neat. Ithought it was pretty cool that they filmed in the streets of Oslo, bigstreets none the less. A
Another boring day. Tried looking for a gift fordad, but couldn't find what he wants. That I remember anyway XD Someother stuff, but can't remember what it was >_< He came homewith some cake/coo
Little Christmas Eve 8D Today I got some baking soda, since that along with some other stuff helps getting out hair dye. Yeah, not so much. I don't really see any difference XD I actually had some fai