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Avengers: Age Of Ultron Movie Download In Hd
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qx4xz
The Avengers raid a Hydra base in Sokovia commanded by Strucker and they retrieve Loki's scepter. They also discover that Strucker had been conducting experiments with the orphan twins Pietro Maximoff, who has super speed, and Wanda Maximoff, who can control minds and project energy. Tony Stark discovers an Artificial Intelligence in the scepter and convinces Bruce Banner to secretly help him to transfer the A.I. to his Ultron defense system. However, the Ultron decides that is necessary to annihilate mankind in order to save the planet, attacks the Avengers and flees to Sokovia with the scepter. He builds an armature for self-protection and robots for his army and teams up with the twins. The Avengers go to Clinton Barton's house to recover, but out of the blue, Nick Fury arrives and convinces them to fight against Ultron. Will they succeed?
Tony Stark creates the Ultron Program to protect the world, but when the peacekeeping program becomes hostile, The Avengers go into action to try and defeat a virtually impossible enemy together. Earth's mightiest heroes must come together once again to protect the world from global extinction.
With Joss Whedon at the helm, and a slew of big box office draws playing virtually every character, this had the making of the movie of the century. But like the Pacquiao-Mayweather fight that took place on the same night this film premiered, it was anything but. The mythology in this film was poorly explained and detracted from enjoying the movie. The characters did not arc and some of them seemed to acquire new powers or develop new back stories when the plot suited. The film demanded you suspend your disbelief but did not even do the audience the service of putting together a plausible plot line. Even the mega-evil villain of the film was really just a misguided automaton that probably could have seen the error of his ways with a long, frank discussion about his intended course of action. Though the fight sequences were fun and unique, there were too many characters to follow. Without a reason to care about the characters, the audience cannot be expected to care for the outcome, in which case, the film will disappoint.
Joss Whedon's The Avengers, released in 2012, was the epitome of why the Marvel Cinematic Universe was gathering so much success: fantastic action set pieces, robust performances from a star-filled ensemble and a light-hearted tone all of which were balanced by Whedon's palpable love for the comic book source material. Move forward to the present, and it seems there's little to halt the MCU'S success. Captain America: The Winter Solider represented a radical shift in tone from its predecessor and had fans and critics alike plastering it with praise. The real triumph of the MCU thus far however is James Gunn's gloriously fresh Guardians of the Galaxy. As such, it's saddening and astonishing just how much of Age of Ultron I found divisive.
Starting with the criticisms: I felt that Ultron as a villain was handled fairly inconsistently. His radical aim for mankind's annihilation inclined me to see his as a threat, yet his insistence on repeatedly spouting flat, mostly unfunny one liners painted him as much less frightening. This was a problem not merely restricted to Ultron: I found much of the humour in the film fell completely flat, i.e. Captain America and Tony Starks cringe-inducing 'mind your language' banter. I also found that certain specific sequences ruptured the pacing and organic feel of the film. For instance, the scene in which Thor goes into a lake and communicates with his home planet evidently is set up for Thor: Ragnarok, yet it adds little but simply more excess in a film which is already felt bloated.
I felt where this film excelled best is in its balance of character. Combining all the heroes from its predecessor, with numerous new heroes and cameos along the way, Whedon manages to maintain a balance between their different skills and imperfections. Hawkeye, often previously as the most expendable of the group, is given a surprising amount of screen time, and any questions previously raised regarding his suitability alongside Thor and the Hulk has been completely nullified. I found the on majority the new additions to The Avengers were very successful, in particular both Black Widow and Quicksilver, who not only were far more captivating than Ultron himself but also provided the seams of conflict which raged throughout the team and will undoubtedly be the dominant theme throughout the subsequent Captain America: Civil War.
It may well be that we’ll eventually stop looking at these Marvel films as discrete, individual experiences rather than chapters in an epic binge-watch, but even by those standards, Avengers: Age of Ultron feels like a solid but overstuffed episode, one more concerned with being connective tissue than anything else.
• The Vision a5c7b9f00b
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