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Correct Answer For Giraffe Riddle On Facebook ->>>
Best Answer: The answer they want is 'eyes', even though the only logically correct answer is 'door'. No effort goes into opening your eyes, it's just what .. Follow on Facebook Follow on . to an image of a giraffe. The riddle . for the correct answer). Facebook users who have .. Facebook users are changing their profile photos to a giraffe thanks to a riddle challenge . mini fight on Facebook over the correct answer.. Facebook users are arguing over the giraffe riddle challenge. Some say door, others say eyes. Here is why the answer is door.. The Great Giraffe Challenge. 130K likes. If you can answer the riddle, you get to keep your profile picture. If not,.. Try the great giraffe . This riddle will be the next facebook fad taking over your newsfeed . I heard eyes and the door as the correct answer.. All of this begs the questionwho started the stupid Facebook argument on her page about the real correct answer to the giraffe riddle that almost got this poor .. If youve seen my Facebook profile, youll see that my new display or profile photo is of a giraffe. Well, this is because I failed to answer a riddle, and .. Menu. News; . Get the Facebook riddle wrong and change your profile . I had to change my profile to a giraffe. I tried to answer a riddle and .. Posts about Giraffe Riddle written . trend on Facebook infiltrated . friends will send a private message with the answer. If the answer is correct, .. Heres the real answer to the giraffe riddle that went viral. . Are You A GIRAFFE . They are only both correct answers if you didnt gloss over the landscape .. The Great Giraffe Challenge is a Facebook game in which the participant is asked to solve a riddle and submit the answer by private messaging the friend who .. giraffe-riddle-answer-facebook-profile . In order to avoid a giraffe picture, players had to answer "your eyes . because after news spread of the correct .. mirror Load mobile navigation. News. UK . Creator of Facebook giraffe riddle mystery . where you can enter your guess and see if you got the answer correct. It .. This is all because of a Facebook game which answers a riddle : . The Great Giraffe Challenge (Facebook Riddle) . You will not be scored if the the correct answer .. The riddle in question, minus the correct answer . whoever came up with this Changing Facebook Profile Picture To A Giraffe Gives Hackers Your Password.. Curious as to why all of your friends Facebook . "I had to change my profile to a giraffe. I tried to answer a riddle . get the answer correct or be a giraffe.. The honor code is that if you get the riddle wrong, you have to change your profile photo. How So Many Profiles Became Giraffes . That Stupid Giraffe Riddle. . So there is the trick answer which isnt actually correct and theres the supposed .. The GREAT Giraffe Riddle Challenge. 2.1K likes. Try to answer this riddle. If you can, you get to keep your Facebook profile picture. If you can't, you.. Why the giraffe riddle is stupid, wrong, and Im that annoying guy who corrects peoples jokes. Posted on October 28, . Correct Answer: .. Giraffe riddle goes viral on Facebook. . I've changed my profile to a giraffe. I tried to answer a riddle and got it wrong.. Heres the real answer to the giraffe riddle that went viral. . The Correct Answer . . Why giraffes are taking over Facebook; Facebook giraffe riddle: .. A number of Facebook users have posted The Great Giraffe . Ive changed my profile to a giraffe. I tried to answer a riddle . that are accepted as correct.. community corner Baltimore's Zoo Gets in on Facebook's Giraffe Riddle Gone Viral Regardless of how you answer the now-viral giraffe riddle, Maryland Zoo in Baltimore .. Nearly a half a million people clicked on my story yesterday about the Facebook giraffe riddle. . was correct and . Answer the Facebook riddle, .. Did You Answer the Giraffe Riddle Incorrectly? October 30, 2013 Kicker Daily News ENTERTAINMENT, WORLD 22. Facebook Twitter. Subscribe to Blog via Email.. Before everyone goes into panic mode, let's set the record straight about the giraffe riddle circulating around Facebook. If you've .. Giraffe Riddle: Why Your Facebook Friends Have Turned Into Giraffes. . Try it out for yourself and let ABC News know what you think the answer to the riddle is. Or, .. Facebook Giraffe Riddle Challenge Spurs Profile Photo Changes For Thousands Of Users. . SPOILER ALERT: The correct answer to the riddle? Your eyes, .. . a hugely popular giraffe riddle is taking Facebook by . Creator of Facebook giraffe riddle . enter your guess and see if you got the answer correct.. Riddle that leads to giraffe profile . Giraffe Profile Pics: Facebook Riddle Goes . inbox whomever posted it with what they believe is the correct answer .. But that is the grievous penalty for answering incorrectly to the now infamous giraffe riddle on Facebook. .. The giraffe riddle answer has frustrated and eluded Facebook users the past few days, and now the creator of the question is stepping forward to reveal the true .. Why Facebook is full of giraffes . are two acceptable answers, although given that Facebook is an unruly community . tired of the giraffe riddle.. Story highlights. cab74736fa
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