Monday 3 July 2017 photo 2/2
Scripted Quotes: "transformational writings that will revolutionize your thinking and set you on course for success"
by Stanley Tanaka Kujokera
Take Charge of Your Life: Inspired Quotes: 1. A lot of people get stuck in a moment and hardly progress they will walk around with sorrowful faces as a public proclamation of what happened to them. 2. A progressive lifestyle demands that one takes full reigns over their life, not leaving anything to chance. 3. The decisions you make are at the mercies of the status of your soul. Broken Relationships; Inspired Quotes: 1. Manipulation is not of God, it is the highest form of sorcery for it enslave the soul to the will of man. 2. being insecure is the root cause of manipulation. 3. be confident that God placed somethings in you that are worth following. Identity and Access Inspired Quotes: 1. Authority is not given to babies; a person has got to be trained in the art of how to use and apply power appropriately. 2. Maturity comes with responsibilities, maturity is measured by one’s ability to handle and deal with different issues. 3. Maturity and wisdom is not a product of a cosmic accident; one should take deliberate steps toward developing self. Dealing With Unbelief Inspired Quotes:- 1. Be focused, your vision and destiny should not be destroyed because of unbelief... 2. We need to be very careful of who we let into our inner circle and who has the liberty to speak into our lives... 3. What you use as an instrument to receive the Word of God, determines the extent to which you will be inspired and persuaded... The Desire Of Ages Inspired Quotes: 1. Prioritize the truth in decision making in order to enjoy success in the choices that you make... 2. Meditation in a way medicates the mind; course corrects the thoughts and sets one on a different path. 3. The success we seek, is wrapped up in getting our priorities right. Love Changes People Inspired Quotes: 1. We need to learn to love even if the environment is not making it any easier; choosing to love is a wise choice... 2. Hate changes you but love changes the person who has been shown the love. 3. Hate causes ill behaviour to be contagious and love comes as a cure for bad behaviour. 4. Hate will cause one to see the errors in others but love causes one to correct their errors; making it easy to minister to others. 5. The ability to keep a relationship is not in what you do, but who you are?