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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_nXcRvqyyk ÄLSKAR hennes opera röst. Sarah Brightman Il mio Cuore va Lyrics: Ogni notte in sogno, Ti vedo, ti sento, E così io so che ci sei. Tu, da spazi immensi, D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdZ83p3abao&feature=PlayList&p=4CA689E085C5B28E&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=53 High above the mountains, far across the sea I can hear your voice calling
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEEPWLQfCDg Is it getting better Or do you feel the same Will it make it easier on you now You got someone to blame You say one love, one life It's one need in the ni
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR3hg452VGc&feature=fvw I must be crazy now Maybe I dream too much But when I think of you I long to feel your touch To whisper in your ear Words that are old as time
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_2rrxONlLo Jag har en känsla Jag har en känsla…(woohoo) Att i kväll blir en bra natt Att i kväll blir en bra natt Att i kvÃ