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Compre o livro The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More The Long Tail e mais milhares de eBooks estao disponiveis na Loja Kindle.
8 Jul 2008 The New York Times bestseller that introduced the business world to a future that's already here--now in paperback with a new chapter about Long Tail Marketing and a new epilogue. In the most important business book since The Tipping Point, Chris Anderson shows how the future of
6 Jul 2009 FREE for free: first ebook and audiobook versions released . Chris, are you the same enlighted author that wrote the long tail, and who would
The Rise and Fall of the Hit. 27. 3. A Short History of the Long Tail. 41. 4. The Three Forces of the Long Tail. 52. 5. The New Producers. 58. 6. The New Markets.
Read The Long Tail Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More by Chris Anderson with Rakuten Kobo. What happens when the bottlenecks that stand
The Longer Long Tail, Chris Anderson, Auteur. avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de reduction ou telechargez la version eBook.
8 Jan 2015 The myth of the Long Tail for ebooks may be fading away as the digital book market grows, and it is operated by few mega e-retailers, argues
Editorial Reviews. From Publishers Weekly. Wired editor Anderson declares the death of Kindle Store; ›; Kindle eBooks; ›; Business & Money
The New York Times bestseller that introduced the business world to a future that's already here--now in paperback with a new chapter about Long Tail
23 Jun 2014 One of the many promises of digital distribution is that everything can be found, nothing goes out of stock and, therefore, the so-called "Long