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CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT. CHIEFS OF STAFF. INSTRUCTION. J-4. CJCSI 4120.02D. DISTRIBUTION: A, B, C. 22 July 2015. LIST OF PRIORITIES -- DOD TRANSPORTATION MOVEMENT PRIORITY. SYSTEM. Reference(s): a. CJCSI 4110.01 Series, “Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority. System-Force/Activity
25 Sep 2015 This instruction has been modified to: a. Account for the disestablishment of U.S. Joint Forces Command. (USJFCOM) and the USJFCOM functions reassigned to the Joint Staff. b. Incorporate changes to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). Joint IW Assessment. Note: The separate special
CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT. CHIEFS OF STAFF. INSTRUCTION. J-6. CJCSI 6510.01F. DISTRIBUTION: A, B, C, and J. 9 February 2011. INFORMATION ASSURANCE (IA) AND SUPPORT TO COMPUTER NETWORK. DEFENSE (CND). References: See Enclosure D. 1. Purpose. Provide joint policy and responsibilities for IA
8 Jan 2016 Purpose. This instruction provides the framework necessary to ensure the. Global Command and Control System-Joint (GCCS-J) meets operational requirements in support of the National Military Command System (NMCS). 2. Canceled/Superseded. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCSI). 3155.01A
CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT. CHIEFS OF STAFF. INSTRUCTION. J-1. CJCSI 1330.05A. DISTRIBUTION: A, B, C. 15 December 2015. JOINT OFFICER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PROCEDURES. References: See Enclosure M. 1. Purpose. This instruction provides the procedures and responsibilities for implementation of
18 Mar 2015 Applicability. This instruction applies to Department of Defense (DoD). Components that have responsibility for achieving RSI, regardless of which agency has lead responsibility. These components are the Office of the. Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Military Departments, the Office of the. Chairman of the
20 Nov 2015 JOINT STRATEGIC PLANNING SYSTEM. References: See Enclosure H. 1. Purpose. This instruction provides Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (CJCS) policy and direction on execution of the Joint Strategic Planning System. (JSPS). The JSPS is how the Chairman meets statutory responsibilities as.
This site was last updated on Wednesday, February 28, 2018. Welcome to the Official site for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Directives (Instructions, Manuals, Notices, and Guides)! All CJCS Directives published to this site are UNCLASSIFIED and carry an UNRESTRICTED releasability. CJCS Directives that require