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architecture. Team grew to about 40 by the end, with overall effort of 100 person-years. July 1993: first version (3.1) introduced. Sucked. September 1994: NT 3.5 released, providing mainly size and performance optimisations. May 1995: NT 3.51 with support for the Power PC, and more performance tweaks. July 1996: NT
portability. – security. – POSIX compliance. – multiprocessor support. – extensibility. – international support. – compatibility with MS-DOS and MS-Windows applications. • Uses a micro-kernel architecture. • Available in two versions, Windows NT Workstation and. Windows NT Server. • In 1996, more NT server licenses were
NT 3.1 was a new 32-bit operating system with the ability to support older DOS and Windows applications as well as provide OS/2 support. After several versions of NT 3.x, Microsoft released NT 4.0. NT 4.0 has essentially the same internal architecture as 3.x. The most notable external change is that NT 4.0 provides the.
Security is evident throughout the Microsoft. Windows NT architecture and indeed was a primary design feature. This article provides an overview of the component parts of this architecture (Version 4.0), in order that the reader may appreciate some of the security issues involved. It is not intended to be the definitive guide
Now that we've covered the terms, concepts, and tools you need to be familiar with, we're ready to start our exploration of the internal design goals and structure of Microsoft Windows NT. This chapter explains the overall architecture of the system--the key components, how they interact with each other, and the context.
This abstraction makes NT more portable because the rest of the operating system does not care what physical platform it is running on. Each hardware platform that NT runs on requires a specialized HAL. The design intent is that when NT is ported to a new processor architecture, the HAL gets rewritten for the new
NT architecture, including those features—notably plug and play, the job object, and 64-bit large memory support—that necessitated extensions to the executive and the kernel. (For further details, see the book Inside. Windows NT, 2nd edition, Microsoft Press.) However, there are many other significant enhancements in the.
NT API stubs (wrap sysenter) -- system library (ntdll.dll) user mode kernel mode. Kernel-mode Architecture of Windows. NTOS executive layer. Trap/Exception/Interrupt Dispatch. CPU mgmt: scheduling, synchr, ISRs/DPCs/APCs. Drivers. Devices, Filters,. Volumes,. Networking,. Graphics. Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL):
27.2 Architecture. There was a great leap in performance between the 16-bit Windows 3.x operating system. (which was built on DOS) to Windows 95/98 and Window NT. Apart from running in a dual 16-bit and 32-bit mode they also allow for application robustness. Figure 27.1 out- lines the internal architecture of Windows
50-30-19 Windows NT Architecture. Gilbert Held. Payoff. Windows NT is a sophisticated operating system for workstations and network servers. This article helps network managers to understand the communications capability of workstations and servers running on Windows NT, and data base administrators to determine