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Jindal steel annual report 2013-14 pdf: >> << (Download)
Jindal steel annual report 2013-14 pdf: >> << (Read Online)
jspl balance sheet 2016-17
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jspl annual report 2016-17
jindal steel balance sheet 2016-17
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In this Annual Report, we have disclosed forward-looking information to enable investors to comprehend our prospects and take investment decisions. Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL) has grown, despite challenges on the strength of its resolve to be a participant of .. FY 2013-14), and we registered an EBITdA.
Shri Om Prakash Jindal (Founder Chairman) was a pioneering industrialist: A farmer's son who built a business powerhouse inspired by a magnificent vision and a large heart. However, stirring as it is, this is merely a story within an epic saga. For Shri O. P. Jindal was much more than just a successful business leader.
Capacity creation holds the key to India's sustainable development. At JSPL, we are facilitating the country's socio-economic advancement through strategic capacity creation, with focus on energy efficiency and green technologies. In addition, we are building capacities in other emerging markets. Such a strategy positions
Note : Invalid Image url Flipbook Invalid Image url HTML PDF. Title. Results. Annual Report 2016-17. Invalid Image url. Annual Report 2015-16. Invalid Image url. Annual Report 2014 - 15. Invalid Image url. Annual Report 2013 - 14. Invalid Image url. Annual Report 2011 - 12. invalid image url. Business. Business.
Particulars, Note No. As at 31st March, 2014 (Rs. crore), As at 31st March, 2013 (Rs. crore). I. EQUITY AND LIABILITIES. (1) Shareholders' Funds. (a) Share capital, 3, 91.49, 93.48. (b) Reserves and surplus, 4, 12,972.84, 12,254.59. (2) Non-Current Liabilities. (a) Long-term borrowings, 5, 13,520.78, 11,860.92. (b) Deferred
India is a rapidly transforming society. The first level of high growth, which began in the nineties, has paved the way for a robust economy and an aspirational society. However, to fulfil the growing aspirations of its billionplus population, the country is now focusing on infrastructure investments to drive next-level growth.
US$3.3 bn+ annual turnover. Image 03. 4.50 MTPA steel making capacity. Image 04. 16.70 MTPA mining. Image 05. 4,485 MW power capacity. Image 06. 7.4 mn+ saplings planted. © 2014 Jindal Steel & Power Ltd; · Download PDF · Disclaimer.
Year ended 31st March, 2014 (Rs. crore), Year ended 31st March, 2013 (Rs. crore). A. CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET PROFIT BEFORE TAX AND EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS, 1,600.64, 2,228.50. Adjustment for: Depreciation, 1,221.44, 1,048.46. Loss on sale of Advances/Investment in
Particulars, Note No. Year ended 31st March, 2014 (Rs. crore), Year ended 31st March, 2013 (Rs. crore). REVENUE. Revenue from operations (gross), 21, 16,324.46, 16,885.84. Less: Excise duty, 1,780.44, 1,931.14. Revenue from operations (net), 14,544.02, 14,954.70. Other income, 22, 146.85, 159.28. Total Revenue
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Jindal Steel & Power Limited('the Company') which comprises the Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2014 and the Statement of Profit and Loss and the Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended, and Notes to the Financial Statements comprising of a summary of