18 February 2011
Hade igentligen tänkt sova vid det hära laget....men...ritade det hära istället.... Plergh.....inte nöjd, men det får vara såhär så länge.....får göra bättre ifrån mig senare....ska ju g
(ifall Oxymoron var en anime så skulle den ha denna låt som opening theme) Odd one, you're never alone I'm here and I will reflect you Both of us basically unattached To any
(Joeys Theme) You all hate your children They're too fat to feed You're on medication Take your pills to sleep I think I'm doing just fine Compared to
(Birdies Theme) I believe the sun should never set upon an argument I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands I believe that junk food tastes so good because it
(och ifall Oxymoron hade varit en anime så hade detta varit ending themen) I'm holding onto white balloons Up against a sky of doom Tell me you see them 'Cause what's
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