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21st Century U.S. Military Documents: Air Force EC-130H Compass Call Aircraft - Operations Procedures, Aircrew Evaluation Criteria, Aircrew Training Flying Operations
by U.S. Government
Three Air Force documents provide unique information about USAF operations of the EC-130H Compass Call aircraft. Contents: Operations Procedures * Aircrew Evaluation Criteria * Aircrew Training
Chapter 1 * GENERAL INFORMATION * 1.1. General * 1.2. Terms Explained * 1.3. Deviations and Waivers * 1.4. Supplements * 1.5. Combined Operations * 1.6. Revisions * Chapter 2 * COMMAND AND CONTROL * 2.1. General * 2.2. Operational Control (OPCON) * 2.3. Detachment Commander (DETCO) * 2.4. Aircraft Commander (AC) Responsibility and Authority * 2.5. Mission Monitoring * 2.6. Mission Clearance Decision * Chapter 3 * CREW COMPLEMENT * 3.1. Aircrew Qualification * 3.2. Crew Complement * 3.3. Mission Essential Personnel (MEP) * 3.4. Scheduling Restrictions * 3.5. Inter-fly * 3.6. Flight Duty Period (FDP) * 3.7. Crew Rest * 3.8. Standby Force Procedures * 3.9. Counter-Fatigue Management Program * Chapter 4 * AIRCRAFT OPERATING RESTRICTIONS * 4.1. Objective * 4.2. Minimum Equipment List (MEL) Policy * 4.3. Waiver Protocol * 4.4. Technical Assistance Service * 4.5. Supplements * 4.6. Definitions (Specific to this Chapter) * 4.7. Navigation Systems * 4.8. Equipment/Cargo Loading * Chapter 5 * OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES * 5.1. Checklists * 5.2. Duty Station * 5.3. Flight Station Entry * 5.4. Takeoff and Landing Policy * 5.5. Landing Gear and Flap Operating Policy * 5.6. Use of Outside Observers * 5.7. Seat Belts * 5.8. Aircraft Lighting * 5.9. Advisory Calls * 5.10. Deviations * 5.11. Communications Policy * 5.12. Crew Resource Management (CRM) * 5.13. Runway Condition Reading (RCR) and Runway Surface Condition (RSC) Limitations * 5.14. Runway and Taxiway Requirements * 5.15. Aircraft Taxi and Taxi Obstruction Clearance Criteria * 5.16. Operating With Runway Barriers * 5.17. Fuel Jettison Procedures * 5.18. Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Programs * 5.19. FCFs, ACFs, & OCFs * 5.20. Terrain Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) * 5.21. Radar Altimeter * 5.22. Reduced Power Operations * 5.23. Instrument Flight Rules * Chapter 6 * AIRCREW PROCEDURES * Section 6A—Pre-Mission * 6.1. Aircrew Uniforms * 6.2. Personal Requirements * 6.3. Pre-Mission Actions * 6.4. Aircrew Publications Requirements * 6.5. Airfield Review * 6.6. Aircrew Intelligence Briefing * 6.7. Interconnectivity * Section 6B—Predeparture * 6.8. Flight Crew Information File (FCIF) * 6.9. Operations & Mission Kits * 6.10. Route Navigation Kits * 6.11. Briefing Requirements * 6.12. Call Signs * 6.13. Flight Plan/Data Verification * 6.14. Departure Planning * 6.15. Weather Minimums for Takeoff * 6.16. Alternate Planning * 6.17. Departure Alternates * 6.18. Destination Requirements (for filing purposes) * 6.19. Adverse Weather * 6.20. Operational Risk Management (ORM) * Section 6C—Preflight * 6.21. AFTO Form 781 * 6.22. Aircraft Servicing and Ground Operations * 6.23. Aircraft Recovery Away from Main Operating Base * 6.24. Aircrew Flight Equipment Requirements * Section 6D—Departure * 6.25. On-Time Takeoffs * Section 6E—Enroute * 6.26. Flight Progress * 6.27. Navigational Aid Capability * 6.28. CIRVIS and Other Reports * 6.29. In-flight Meals * 6.30. Communications * 6.31. In-flight Emergency Procedures * 6.32. Need for Medical Assistance * Section 6F—Arrival * 6.33. Descent * 6.34. Instrument Approach Procedures * Section 6G—Post-Flight * 6.35. Maintenance * 6.36. Border Clearance * 6.37. Insect and Pest Control * 6.38. Aircrew Debriefing * Section 6H—Miscellaneous * 6.39. Dropped Objects * 6.40. Cockpit Voice Recorder * 6.41. Aircrew Flight and Dash 21 Equipment Documentation * 6.42. Impoundment of Aircraft * 6.43. Loose Objects in the Cockpit * 6.44. Wake Turbulence Avoidance * 6.45. Ordnance Procedures * 6.46. Classified Equipment and Material * 6.47. Confidence Activities * Chapter 7 * AIRCRAFT SECURITY * 7.1. General * 7.2. Security * 7.3. Security Procedures * 7.4. Arming of Aircrew Members * 7.5. Preventing and Resisting Hijacking * 7.6. Armed Passengers
rank: #3,198,185
price: $12.99
bound: 513 pages
publisher: Progressive Management (November 7, 2013)
lang: English
asin: B00GJVAQVW
filesize: 12187 KB
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