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Pristine adegan crystal swtor guide: >> << (Download)
Pristine adegan crystal swtor guide: >> << (Read Online)
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7 Jan 2012
All the information about - Pristine Adegan Crystal - SWTOR item from our database. Find even better items than this one in our SWTOR Item Database.
19 Apr 2012
16 Apr 2012 To get a Pristine Adegan Crystal from one of these Rough Magenta Crystal Shards, use the Ancient Crystal Tuning Device at (-136, +892, +88)
26 Jun 2012 In SWTOR, our ability to customize our weapons appearance is Thus the Magenta Adegan Crystal and the Pristine Adegan Crystals are our
10 Jan 2012 You need to have Artifice Crew skill or a friend Artifice that will craft it for you and you need the Magenta Adegan Crystal (which you can obtain
Pristine Adegan Crystal Crew Skills. I like the music, btw. Artist formerly known
26 May 2014 Magenta Crystal guide links mentioned in the podcast: Pristine Adegan Crystal: SWTOR Escape Pod Cast 41 – To Guild Or Not To Guild
7 Jan 2012 The first 3 items are rather easy to acquire, it is the last item, the Magenta Adegan Crystal that takes some effort and the rest of this guide will
limit my search to r/swtor Guide to After Ch. 3 and Endgame · Dulfy's Class Guides 5.0 · Discipline Calculator QuestionPristine Adegan Crystal (self.swtor) The crystals themselves sell for ~40-70k each on my server.