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Phylum echinodermata pdf: >> << (Download)
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Two Oceans Aquarium Volunteer Manual – Module 4 – INVERTEBRATES. 60. PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA. CLASS. ASTEROIDEA. Starfish. OPHIUROIDEA. Brittle Star. ECHINOIDEA. Sea urchins. HOLOTHUROIDEA. Sea Cucumbers. CRINOIDEA. Feather Star. Flattened central body with five or more projecting arms.
Echinoderm Characteristics. =spiny /hedgehog skin. Marine or brackish. Pentamerous symmetry. = 1. 5-pt symmetry o calcium carbonate. 2. balance. Endoskeleton = mesoderm. Size moderate to large. Most free moving. Deuterostome (primitive). Coelomocytes
Water Vascular System. • On the aboral surface is the opening of the water vascular system the madreporite (=sieve plate). • Water enters the madreporite and goes through the stone canal canal to the ring canal. • Water then passes through a radial canal extending into each arm. • All along the length of these canals are
O filo Echinodermata e constituido por cerca de 7.000 especies recentes distribuidas em seis classes: Crinoidea,. Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea, Holothuroidea e. Concentricycloidea (Chia & Harrison, 1994). Vivem do medio infralitoral ate profundidades maiores do que 10.000 m (Fossa das Filipinas). Estao hoje
Echinoderms possess a well developed internal skeleton made up of dermal calcareous plates (CaCO3) (known as ossicles). (The second defining character of echinoderms). Ossicles
PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA. - . GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS . -. Spiny-skinned animals possessing calcareous ossicles. - embedded in the dermis and spines protruding from the surface: this creates an internal skeleton. They are radially symnetrical in the adult phase and are characterized by having five rays,
Phylum Echinodermata. Bio 1413: General Zoology Lab. (Ziser, 2008). [Exercise 16; p 247]. Identifying Characteristics of the Phylum. - radial (pentamerous) symmetry in adult; larva is bilaterally symmetrical. -unique water vascular system. -all marine. -deuterostomes. -endoskeleton of calcium carbonate ossicles. -dioecious.
7. The coelom is well developed and large. 8. Most species are dioecious (separate sexes), but a few species are hemaphroditic. 9. Echinodermata is the largest phylum of animals to lack any freshwater or land representatives. There are no species in this phylum that live on land or in freshwater. They are totally marine.
8 FILO ECHINODERMATA. Os Echinodermatas (gr. echinos, espinho; ourico + derma, pele) constituem um dos filos mais facilmente reconheciveis do Reino Animal, com aproximadamente 6.000 especies viventes. Incluem as bem conhecidas estrelas-do-mar, ofiuros, ouricos-do-mar, bolachas-da- praia, lirios-do-mar
With echino meaning spiny and derm meaning skin, 'echinoderms' are spiny-skinned animals. All members of this group have a skeleton consisting of hard plates under the skin, giving them a spiny texture. They have water-filled 'tube feet' which may be used for locomotion, respiration and collecting food. The majority of