A Nickle's Worth of Innocence
by Henry K
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Henry was born and raised on a working ranch, his paternal grand father's family cattle ranch, . In South Texas the ranch was was a family ranch and has been passed on from generation to generation for many years... The land was from a land grant deeded by the king of Spain thru the Mexican Government, as Texas was than owned by Mexico and known as Tejas long before Texas was Texas. Spain than urgently wanted to colonized Tejas the states than were grabbing any and all land, A great deal by Crook. At a very young age Henry and his sister Josie were victims of of a broken marriag their mother abandoned them for the affection of a stranger, and their father was more conern about his new wife. His new wife beat them and threatened to kill them if they did not run away. Both were made slaves. At legal age, Henry tried to make it on his own but was taken advantage. Tired and hungry Henry joined the armed service for three hot meals a day and a place to sleep. To overcome the adverse obsticles of life one is to measure the streath of spirit
rank: #3,611,975
price: $11.93
publisher: Page Publishing, Inc. (February 13, 2017)
lang: English
isbn: 1684090717, 978-1684090716,
weight: 7.2 ounces (
A Nickle's Worth of Innocence Henry K
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Below is the family approved statementQuotations by Henry David Thoreau, American Author, Born July 12, 1817
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